Are you worried about gaining weight while on vacation? One study finds that 29% of vacationers gain weight while traveling.
Knowing a few simple tips will keep you away from temptations. No, that doesn’t mean fasting during your entire trip!
A vacation is something meant to be fun which doesn’t mean obsessing over weight. You’ll soon find it’s easier to manage weight on vacation than you might think.
No one should worry about gaining weight while on vacation. Yet, you don’t want to undo months of hard work on one getaway. In this article, you’ll learn how to stay fit while on vacation.
1. Avoid Skipping Meals
You might think avoiding meals is the best option. One study finds skipping meals increases fat gains, especially around the stomach area.
You can fight hunger all day but it will win out. Starving yourself is not how to stay fit!
People that starve themselves throughout the day tend to eat high-calorie meals at night. Your body needs time to process the calories you consume.
It’s best to think of your stomach as a fireplace and food as firewood. Placing too much firewood on a fire puts it out. Adding small amounts of firewood, over time, keeps a fire burning strong.
2. Prepare Meals in Advance
Giving in to the temptations of fast food will wreck a diet fast. Your diet is a huge factor that goes into learning how to stay fit.
Plan ahead by preparing snacks including protein bars and trail mix. Make your own trail mix with mixed nuts and dried fruits that you prefer. Creating your own snack mix is cheaper than purchasing store bought mixes.
Ready to drink protein shakes are a great inclusion for any trip. You’ll want to include snacks that are high in protein because they make you feel full.
Grabbing a small cooler will make for a perfect storage solution for your snacks.
3. Browse Nearby Restaurants Ahead of Time
A major part of a vacation is trying local cuisine. You don’t have to avoid eating out altogether while on vacation.
Many restaurants have entire menus on their websites. Plan ahead by searching for restaurants near your hotel with healthy food options.
Certain restaurant menus have markings to show which dishes are healthier choices. It’s best to include at least three restaurants to ensure you have a few backup options.
A little bit of research will save you from ruining your diet while on vacation.
4. Learning How to Stay Fit Involves Drinking Water
Many vacations take place during the warmer months of the year. The ideal image of a vacation is somewhere sunny and beautiful. With the sun comes the increased risk of dehydration.
As odd as it sounds, your urine shows how hydrated you are. Clear urine is ideal which means you are well hydrated. Yellow urine is a sign that you are dehydrated. The darker your urine is, the more dehydrated you are.
You’ll want to ensure you have a water bottle handy while on your vacation. Not everyone enjoys drinking plain water. If you cringe at the thought of drinking plain water, bring along flavoring packets.
Drinking soda causes your body to store fat which doesn’t happen with water.
You’ve likely heard that you should drink eight glasses of water every 24 hours. New findings show that adult males should drink 3.7 liters of water each day.
5. Be Picky with Your Hotel Selection
Not everyone wants to follow a strict diet while on vacation. Exercising while on vacation will help burn off any extra calories you consume.
You’ll want to look for a location that has an in-house gymnasium. Many hotels will have amenity information on their respective websites. Not all hotel gyms are equal, don’t expect a full-service gym, complete with sauna. However, you can usually find the basics.
Look for hotels offering treadmills, stationary bicycles, or a weight room. Many hotels include the price of on-site facilities into the room.
Staying in a hotel with no gym doesn’t mean you can’t exercise. You can find a gym near your hotel or break a sweat without leaving your room.
6. Perform Bodyweight Exercises in the Hotel Room
Learning how to stay fit doesn’t mean you have to be near a gym. You might not be able to find a hotel that has an on-site gym.
There is nothing wrong with completing a workout in your hotel room. It’s easy to create a workout that mimics what you do in a gym.
Does your training focus on gaining muscle? A sturdy hotel chair makes for a perfect dip station.
Are you wanting to have a sculpted set of legs while on the beach? Grab a suitcase in each hand and perform weighted dips.
Don’t obsess too much over which exercise to make use of. The important thing about a hotel workout is that it happens, regardless of how quick it is.
Create a workout plan with exercise you enjoy doing. Sticking to preferred exercises increases the chance you continue to workout each morning.
A hotel room workout makes you feel great and lets you get creative with how you train.
7. Opt for Sight Seeing Activities
Taxi rides are a convenient way to get around a new city. Deciding how to stay fit while on a trip has to do with activities you plan.
If you are wanting to manage weight on a vacation, walking around is a great idea. One great way to get a nice walk in is with a sight seeing tour. These tours involve exploring an area by foot.
Many sight seeing tours will likely make you forget you’re exercising. Planning sight seeing tours early in the day means knocking out daily exercise early on.
Managing your weight while on vacation is easier with the right tips. You can still travel, dine out, and enjoy your getaway while sticking to a diet.
Are you feeling dejected about how to stay fit after your vacation is over? Schedule a free appointment with us to start transforming your body for the better.
We’ve helped many people reach their fitness goals and would love to do the same for you.