Create A Playlist That Motivates You!


This chart approximates what beats per minute (BPM ) corresponds to your walking, jogging or running speed.  The chart is based off of averages and you can use it to help find your personal BPM , then calculate the beats per minute for your favorite songs.  Get  in sync, literally, with the music to create an ultimate workout playlist.

We all know that exercising becomes monotonous after awhile, which is why most people don’t stick to a much needed weekly routine.

One of the easiest ways to get the spring back in your step during that daily run is to take full advantage of the music that moves you! Create a different set of songs for high-energy workouts, at home yoga sessions, or for that grueling hour of spinning.  No matter the genre or the workout, music helps us stay engaged and excited for the duration of what’s ahead.

There are known connections between music and athletic performance, so if to you, 90’s grunge equals adrenaline, then pack your playlist with Nirvana.

Follow along with the steps below to create your ultimate workout playlist that will have you up off the couch and melting fat away with the music.

 Warm Up Songs

For the first few songs on your playlist you want something that will inspire and motivate.  Something with somewhat of a moderate tempo that will accompany light stretching.  Choose songs that are somewhat lengthy depending on the amount of time you plan to warm up, usually two to three songs that run for about three to four minutes.

Get Moving Songs

After you are really moving and warmed up, you want to hear something that is paced a little faster.  Your heart rate will be climbing up from a lighter level to a moderate level, so you will want a moderate to fast paced track, something with a catchy beat that makes you naturally want to speed up.

Keep It Up

People naturally pick up their pace when fast music is playing and slow down their pace when slower music is playing.  Be sure to keep fast and high-energy songs in this spot of your playlist.  You know those songs you hear that you can’t help but dance to?  Those are the songs you want here.  You want them to be almost impossible for you to remain still when you hear them.  The fast tempo will keep you moving at a fast pace.

Take It Back Down

After all of that heart pumping work and blood pumping music, it’s important to add in a few moderate tunes to slow yourself down a little for a short recovery period.  You’ll be out of breath so choose songs that are all time favorites or something you find a true meaning in.  During these songs you will want to slow down just a little, but still keep your motivation up enough to continue on with the workout.

Smack in the Middle Songs

Your endurance gets tested in the middle of your routine, some say it’s the hardest part. Naturally, the songs you pick to be in the middle of your playlist are going to be the hardest to choose, so choose wisely.  During this section of your playlist you will need music that holds your interest and keeps boredom at bay.  For middle of the workout music choose new favorites and songs that you are just learning the lyrics to, your focus will be in tune with something other than the pain your muscles may be feeling.  Guilty pleasures will also work well here.  No matter what you decide on, just make sure the beat keeps you moving.

The Grand Finale

These are the “I’m gonna get there songs.”  You are getting so close to the end!  The songs you choose for almost the end of the workout, are the songs you need to hear when you think you can’t keep going, but you can, so turn the volume up, LOUD! Your grand finale songs should be a rock em’ sock em’ beats of all beats.  The last few songs on your playlist has to motivate you at the time that you are feeling the most tired.  They should also let you know that the very end is near and you have just a little bit left of your workout to go.

Cool Down Time

The end is here and it’s time to cool down.  Remember to give yourself at least five minutes for cool down time, and you may need more than one song to cool down to.  These songs should be your celebration songs, because let’s face it, we always feel like celebrating when we have completed our days worth of exercise.  Choose your most favorite feel good music for the last song spots on your playlist and also, feel proud of yourself because you did it!

Don’t forget though that weight training should still be your primary form of exercise some come try out a session with one of the best personal trainers in Chicago.