Here’s a truth bomb (and trust me, I’m saying this out of love)… YOU are the reason for why you haven’t reached your goals. Was that hard to digest? Let me explain…
I used to feel super uncomfortable in my clothes; the mushroom top program was REAL. Ugh! After having baby number two, I felt like I’d gotten to the point of no return and I thought I would be stuck with my post-pregnancy body. I wanted to change, but I just kept making excuses. Day after day, week after week, month after month. There I was. Every time I looked at my clothes, I saw imaginary labels on them. They said “when I lose the weight”… Yet, time went by and nothing changed. I kept loathing in my self pity.
One day, a truth bomb exploded and I decided it was going to be different. I started to prioritize my health. How could I be a great role model for my kids if my own health wasn’t in order? I hired a friend of mine to be my health coach (yes, even coaches need coaching); I began working out 3x-5x per week consistently, I planned, meal prepped and ate foods that were nutrias and fueled my body to perform the right way, which meant really cutting down on processed crap. In addition, I recruited my husband to join the ride. Having a built-in support system like that was/is AWESOME. After a bit, off came the weight – pretty much like magic! However, it wasn’t “magic”, it was ME.
I was both the PROBLEM and the SOLUTION!
Now, take a look here, and tell me if you have said something like this to yourself in the past:
- “I can’t start my nutrition plan this week because I don’t have time to meal prep and/or workout.”
- “I have too many work meetings that happen over lunches and dinners to be able to stick to a nutrition plan.”
- “I can’t lose weight because I have no will power or self control.”
- “I have to take care of my kids and spouse first. By the time I do that, I have no time or energy left to focus on myself.”
Guess what? That is all bulls**t!
How long have you been telling yourself these stories? If you’ve accepted these stories as your reality, you are acting as a victim of your environment; and you’re not a VICTIM, you deserve better than that! These stories are sabotaging you from getting where you want to be! And now you are accepting these “stories” and living them out as your destiny! Aren’t you fed up with this? Honestly, I’m fed up for you and I’m here to help you out. You with me?
After reading a truth bomb, now you’re going to commit to yourself. Commit to becoming a NEW person, to becoming the NEXT version of you! Here is what you’re going to do right now — Cut the BS, stop with the excuses, and make a damn decision now! Okay, that might be a little intimidating to you, but GOOD! The best things in life happen when you step outside your comfort zone. You can’t be triumphant unless you have obstacles to overcome. You’ve got this! I know this; the rest of the Transform team knows this. Do you know it?
If you’re uncertain where to start, let us help you. Book your complimentary breakthrough coaching call; that’s where we’re going to get crystal clear on your vision, identify challenges, motivate the heck out of you, provide you a roadmap to your goals achieved. Simply follow this link to Contact us. Our team of highly experienced coaches will help you get on track.
Maybe you’re not a newbie and you’ve just hit a plateau. We can help with that too. Our rockstar staff can help you push through that too. Regardless of where you are on your fitness journey, we want to see you happy and healthy so you can live the best life possible. Just sign up for a complimentary convo with one of our team members and we’ll get you back on track to reach your goals.