Category: Health Blog

Curb Those Junk Food Cravings!



When we overindulge in too much junk food, the results leave us wanting one thing, you guessed it, more junk food!  Be it a salty or sweet craving, eating food that is bad for us can affect our bodies and brains in the same way drugs and alcohol affects an addict.

A trigger goes off in the brain making us feel utterly powerless to our cravings.  Much like a junkie, we are in desperate need of a fix and focused only on that bowl of pasta or ice cream.  For many of us, food can become a drug of choice and we use when we are tired, sad, bored, or anxious.  The happy spot in our brains can become addicted to refined foods, such as white bread and sugar and the more we eat, the more we want.  

To begin breaking the vicious cycle of junk food cravings we should eliminate all things refined and avoid high fructose corn syrup that is found in food that has been highly processed.  Read all of your nutrition labels to make sure you aren’t consuming added sugar and sodium, which can make junk food cravings even more powerful.  Replace sugary snacks with whole grains and fiber, plenty of nuts, fruits, and raw veggies which will help you to feel full and keep you out of the pantry.

To ward off cravings in the future and take your mind off of a roller coaster of emotions, there are many strategies to consider that will train your brain to respond to needs in a more positive way.


Use Your Imagination


Like clockwork, after you make it a point to eat a healthy lunch, within thirty minutes, you start craving something sweet.  Sound familiar?  This happens because we associate dessert as being a reward.  You ate a healthy meal, so you want to treat yourself for being good.


You know how when you keep fighting off that feeling of having to have a piece of chocolate cake and it makes you want it even more?  Sometimes accepting your cravings, instead of fighting them, is one of the most satisfying methods for getting the craving to go away.  Think of a craving as just a thought and not a physical need and you should get a better handle on how you control your emotional eating.


Instead of giving in to the craving and blowing the diet that your personal trainer in Chicago helped you get on track with, it is sometimes helpful to imagine that you are eating that piece of chocolate cake that you so desperately want.  And imagine that you are eating a lot of it!  Imagining the food being in your mouth will of course, increase your craving but when you imagine you are overeating will decrease the craving.


The best way to beat a junk food urge is to have a few bites of fruit before a meal.  Fruit will give you a dose of sweetness ahead of time so you won’t crave it later.



When you get the urge to head to the kitchen and swallow the whole half gallon of ice cream in one big bite, don’t do it.  Instead of keeping your head in the freezer, go outside and jog around the block.  When you get back, the fresh air and sunshine should cause your craving to subside.


Mindless eating should be replaced with an emotionally pleasurable activity.  Do something you enjoy that doesn’t involve calorie consumption.  Give yourself a manicure and paint your nails, you’ll be less likely to dig freshly painted nails down into a potato chip bag.  Look for things to do that won’t destroy weight loss efforts or something that you can enjoy with another person that don’t relate to food.  Take a nature walk, sign up for a class with a personal trainer in Chicago, or go power window shopping with a strong support system.


Exercise is calming, clears your head, and will help cure the desire for you to overindulge.  If you are stuck inside, try running in place or doing some jumping jacks to burn calories rather than piling them on.

Don’t Starve Yourself


Do you find yourself starving by mid-afternoon for something salty and crunchy or sweet and decadent?  By fueling yourself with a high-glucose snack ahead of your usual three o’clock craving time, you can keep the bad for you cravings at bay.  A sandwich with whole wheat bread and a source of protein at lunch should keep you full and help you to resist temptation before it starts.


If afternoon snack time is unavoidable, try to keep a stash of healthy snacks within easy reach.  By eating every few hours your cravings that are caused by hunger can be avoided.  Choose something low in calories like an apple with a small amount of almond butter, grapes or microwaved popcorn.


Chew Gum


Keep a pack of sugarless gum in your pocket or desk drawer.  When a sweet craving strikes, pop a piece in your mouth.  Chewing gum may help reduce cravings for snacks and aid you in reaching your weight loss goals.  


Brush Your Teeth


When your taste buds are screaming for something particularly sticky and nutrition-less, you can literally wash that taste right out of your mouth.  Get up and go to the bathroom sink and brush your teeth for two minutes with a mint toothpaste. Follow your routine up with a strong mouthwash.  You can even floss an extra time of day for a final touch.  Then put on a mint flavored lip gloss.  When your mouth feels fresh and clean, you more than likely won’t want to make it feel dirty again with loads of sugar or bad breath causing foods.


Stay Hydrated


Drinking plenty of water is probably the most important thing to consider when trying to kick your junk food habit.  Dehydration causes salty food cravings and by drinking more water, it can be avoided.  


Sometimes what you think are food cravings, may actually be thirst. Keep yourself from being thirsty by having a water bottle handy all throughout the day and food cravings shouldn’t creep up.

It is likely that the food we crave is just our brain playing tricks on us.  It’s alright to give in a little, on occasion.  Junk food cravings don’t control what we put into our mouths and by eating a proper diet we won’t feel as much like we are fighting and losing a constant food battle.  The sooner we learn that we don’t have to give into our cravings, the happier we all will be.  


Getting the Best Results Out of Personal Training


Choosing to work with one of the best personal trainers in Chicago can be an empowering decision. Taking control of one’s physical health is an important move and the best personal trainer can help you get the most out of your workouts. The dedication and expertise can prove invaluable on the road to reaching your goals.

Getting most from your personal trainer is not simply learning how to lift weights or stretching properly. The skills that need to be absorbed are how to develop a smart strategy for your workout, as well as overcoming the mental and physical obstacles that will surely arise as you move forward.

It is important to not simply walk into a health club and throw down money for a personal training session with the first trainer with an open slot on their schedule. Remember that you and your new personal trainer will be spending a great deal of time together, so it is crucial to get to know who you will be working with. It is important to not only have someone working with you has the right set of skills but also that your personalities mesh well together.

Simply showing up for a personal training session and expecting the PT to give you the results you are looking for is not going to get it done. Whether you are a seasoned athlete that has always exercised alone, or you are starting up after a lapse in workouts, it is essential to show up completely for the experience with your personal trainer. Putting your body and soul into your session will help you get the most out of it.

For many that have had a hard time sticking with an exercise routine, the real struggle lies in going to the gym at all. You may find yourself getting frustrated with not seeing results or feeling as if you are wasting time wandering around not knowing which machines to use.

The advantage of working with the best personal trainers in Chicago is that once you have selected someone you will have the tools needed to succeed. Simply discussing your history, setting goals and starting an orchestrated plan can get you on the right path. The support and encouragement from a personal trainer will get you through the roadblocks that trip up so many looking to accomplish a healthier life.

To get the most out of your workout a plan has to be made. Using the best personal trainers will help you get there.

Super Duper Workout Juice



Before busting your moves out with the best personal trainer in Chicago, it’s a good idea to feed your body with nutrients to provide your mind and muscles the energy it needs for the workout ahead.  Never mind the intensity of the iron pumping or the treadmill running, juice will cure hunger pangs and keep you full for the duration of your session.

Juicing is easy!

To get started, buy a juicer.  They’re a great investment, trust me. Then, all you need to do is shop around for the best quality fruit, vegetables, a few spices, and a good quality bottle of H2O.  

This is where it gets fun!  

You get to experiment with varieties of fruits and vegetables, and fresh juice is so much better for you.  It’s not over processed and it’s full of vitamins, minerals, and whole nutrients.


Carrot Juice


Carrot juice provides :

  • energy

  • beta-carotene

  • antioxidants

  • potassium

  • calcium

  • iron

Beet Juice

Beet juice provides :

  • digestive immunity

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin B1

  • Vitamin B2

  • Vitamin B3

  • Vitamin C

  • Folic Acid

  • Potassium

Kale Juice

Kale Provides :

  • Vitamin K

  • Calcium

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin C


Now, what do we get when we combine all three of these super nutrient filled juices?  That’s right.  A super duper before workout juice!  It’s filling in the morning and refreshing for a snack so get out your pen and start exercising your print because you are gonna wanna write this recipe down!


Super Duper Workout Juice Recipe


Ingredients :

1 cup fresh, washed Kale

2 Carrots, cut up into small chunks

1 Beet, washed and peeled if muddy

½ of a Celery Stalk

1 cup of water

Toss it all in the juicer and you are good to go.  This recipe is enough to make for a whole day, which is recommended.  Juice that sits for longer than 24 hours tends to separate, leaving it not so appetizing for the beginner.

For a sweeter version of juice you could add an apple, grapes, or a cucumber.  If you like it spicy celery salt, a few cloves of garlic, or a dash of hot sauce should suffice.  Just go with your gut, literally, when combining ingredients.  Whatever fruit and vegetables smell good together, will taste good together.  If you are unsure about nutrition information, find a personal trainer today.

Happy juicing!

7 Ways Exercise Relieves Stress



We’ve all felt that metaphorical mound of stress on our back that tends to push our posture forward and tighten our shoulder muscles into insane knots.  With all of the pressures in everyday life our fight or flight reactions are working in overtime. Exercise is the most natural way to slow adrenal glands down and rid the body of any harmful chemicals that can cause anxiety or depression.  

If this article and the mere thought of exercise is stressing you out, just know that even low impact exercise is better than none. Be it a quick walk outside in the sunshine or a rigorous one-on-one training session in a personal training studio, any exercise at any level will improve your mood and amp up your energy for a more productive day.

Here are seven known ways exercise can relieve stress:

The Systems Running Your Body:  For us to react positively in negative situations the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, and muscular systems need to run smoothly.  Exercise helps to lubricate these systems and helps to keep the oxygen flowing normally.  Without the proper amount of oxygen to our brain, we can become irritable and feel like we are not fully functioning.

Pumped Up Endorphins :  Ever heard of the runner’s high?After long periods of high intensity exercise, endorphins are released from the brain causing us to feel happy.  Endorphins are nature’s pain reliever.  Don’t believe me?  Try it for yourself and it’s sure that whatever is stressing you out now, will hardly be noticed after a heart pumping jog.   

Meditation for the Mind:  Exercise has a soothing effect on the body but even more so for the mind.  While you are concentrating on the workout you are doing, your mind goes into meditation mode leaving you stress free and relaxed afterward. 

More Organized Thoughts:  If your work or home life is in shambles, we sometimes feel more stressed than we should.  Working with a personal trainer in Chicago to help set up a workout plan can get you track to feeling stress free.  Having an organized and well thought out routine to keep your mind and body healthy will help you apply some of those learned physical training skills to everyday life.  

Immunity: Consistent exercise helps to prevent colds and virus.  During body movement, immune cells circulate quicker and are better able to fight bacteria.  Our immune system grows stronger with exercise just like our muscles.  Keeping your immune system healthy helps to keep levels of stress down by shielding sickness which may cause time away from work, family, or friends.

Personal Bonding: Any chance you get to hang out with friends is a stress reliever in itself.  Take the time to get active by organizing a game of tennis at the local court or gathering in the field for a friendly game of touch football.  Any activity that involves the people you love gives you the chance to relieve stress, share conversation, and have a laugh.  

A More Sound Sleep:  If your everyday job has you sitting still all day, chances are your sleep pattern is not.  Not enough exercise during the day can have you tossing and turning at night, leading up to a stressful and anxious morning. You see a pattern here?  Adequate exercise helps to relieve the body of this draining cycle, helping you sleep soundly at night and work better during the day.

Like we said earlier, just a few minutes of blood pumping exercise is better than none.  It’s important that you switch your routine up every so often to keep workouts fun and stimulating.  Exercise doesn’t have to be boring and you should stick with what you enjoy.  Just remember a good workout reduces tension, stabilizes mood, and improves self-esteem, which is all worth it for you to project your best qualities in a demanding world.

5 Tips to Beat First Training Session Nerves


Nervous about your first Chicago personal training session?  Don’t be!  Here are some tips that will help center your mind and calm you down before it finally arrives.



Drink plenty of water the night before and the day of your first meeting with your trainer.  You don’t want to feel dehydrated during exertion and keep having to excuse yourself to grab a drink of water.  You want to be able to give your trainer your undivided attention so you can grasp the important techniques he is teaching you.  



Give yourself plenty of time to get ready before the first session so you will be at your appointment on time. It could throw your trainers workout plan way off track, and you as well, if you show up late.  If you arrive in plenty of time for a proper warm-up before your session starts, you and your Chicago personal trainer are much more likely to be in sync.



Be sure to choose comfortable workout clothing and shoes for your first session.  Pick out clothing that fits properly and that allows your body to stretch and move.  Tops that ride up and show too much skin might make you feel like everyone is looking at you and shoes that pinch are going to keep you from reaching your full potential.  It’s important that your workout clothing is comfortable, so you will be too.



Get a good night’s sleep before the day of your first session with your trainer.  Your performance in the gym depends on how many hours of winks you can get.  Sleep helps recover the body from a good workout.  Plus, showing up sleepy for a training appointment will hold you back from getting the most out of your workout.



Prepare to answer your trainers questions about your diet and current exercise routine. Your trainer will need to know what your eating habits are like and how much exercise you are getting to create a workout plan that works for you as an individual.  Review these things while you are driving or walking to your appointment to keep your mind off of the nerves.

All in all, you should trust the trainer you hired to get your glutes into shape.  Ask questions and tell your trainer what you feel are your weak points.  He or she wants to help.