As temperatures rise and more revealing clothing starts getting pulled from the closet, you may be thinking towards summer and all that comes with it. If you’re getting ready to strut your stuff at the beach, pool, or elsewhere, the time to start preparing is now.
That being said, weight loss isn’t always an easy process. Finding the motivation can be difficult, as is finding a process that is right for you.
If you want to know how to get a nice lean body for the summer, read on as we offer some of our essential tips and tricks.
Maintain A Healthy Diet
The easiest way to get the body you want is to feed it the right ingredients. The obvious elements should go without saying, but just in case you need the reminder: stay away from junk foods. This includes but is not limited to cake, chips, pizza, candy, ice cream and more.
It may be hard to give these items up, but its an essential step in how to get a great body.
Opt instead for foods that are high in fiber or protein. Fruits and vegetables will help you stay healthy, fit and energized during your days. You should eat as many of them as possible. Not a veggies person? Trying dipping them in something equally healthy, such as hummus.
It’s also advisable that you aim for smaller portions throughout your day. Three or four small meals is better than two big ones. And remember– starving yourself not only is hugely detrimental to your health but can actually hurt your chances of losing weight.
Without food coming in, your metabolism will slow and your body will go into fat saving mode as an act of protection. If you want to lose some weight, eating small and healthy is the only way to go.
Drink Lots of Water
If you’re going to commit to eating healthy, you might as well commit to drinking healthy too. Cutting out sodas and other sugary drink, even if they’re of the diet variety, is an important step.
If you can substitute water for any of your daily beverage choices, you’ll find yourself quickly moving towards a hot beach bod. This substitution will hugely decrease your calorie intake and you may even find that you’ll feel more energized and mentally focused. This includes alcohol, even wine– though it might be good for you in other ways, it’s not going to help keep your calorie intake down.
If you’re not one prone to drinking the recommended eight glasses of water a day, try keeping a water bottle with you throughout the day. Having something physically by your side can be a helpful reminder to hydrate.
Get Plenty of Good Sleep
The easiest part of how to get a good body? Stay in bed.
You can eat well and live at the gym and you still might not see a decrease in your weight if you’re not giving yourself proper rest. When your body is lacking a good night’s sleep, it’ll actually produce glucose and insulin and make it harder to lose weight.
74% of people said they found weight loss easier and more effective while getting a good night’s sleep. Some scientists have deemed proper sleep (seven to nine hours a night) to be just as important as dieting when it comes to weight loss. They do call it beauty sleep for a reason!
Engage In Physical Activity
This may be the part you’re dreading: if you want the perfect beach body, it does mean a good deal of exercise is in your future.
Cardio is the best way to burn calories and get your body in tip-top shape. The goal of cardio is getting your heart rate up to a certain amount so that your body will begin to burn calories.
Going for a run for half an hour a day can prompt huge differences in your weight loss process. The longer you run the better, obviously, but try to aim for at least half an hour a day when starting off.
If you’re not a fan of running, there are still other exercises that you can work into your daily routine. If there is a pool in your local community, swimming laps can be another fantastic cardio activity.
There are also plenty of body toning exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own home. Committing to a number of push-ups, crunches, squats, and lunges to do each day can make a huge difference and help you commit to a routine that you can follow.
Most people have trouble losing weight because they can’t commit to an exercise routine. Selecting a specific number that feels appropriate and personal to you can help guarantee that you’ll keep up with it as the days go on.
Consider taking protein powder as a step in your workout process for even better results– although many women perceive protein powder as a tool for muscle building bros, it can actually be a great aid in weight loss.
If none of these options work for you, at the very least go for a walk every day. Studies have shown that even a fifteen-minute walk can help increase your lifespan. While walking doesn’t offer the same calorie burning benefits as a good run, it can still help to fit a long walk into your everyday routine. Walking after a big meal can help your body digest food properly.
Now You Know How To Get A Nice Lean Body
If you stick to eating healthy and a proper workout regime, there’s no reason you can’t be the hottest bod on the beach this summer. How to get a nice lean body? It’s in your grasp if you know what to do and stick to it.
Having trouble sticking to your routine or still not losing weight to your satisfaction? Our personal training program can help– and you can even try it free on your first visit.
Any other weight loss tips for the summer season? Leave your comments below.
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