Tag: foodie

A Hearty and Healthy Breakfast Burrito

Food as Fuel and Medicine

As I’ve mentioned in my previous posts, fueling your body with the right kind of food makes all the difference. As Jillian Kubala from Healthline outlines, “Research shows that dietary habits influence disease risk. While certain foods may trigger chronic health conditions, others offer strong medicinal and protective qualities… Food does much more than simply provide you with fuel. It may promote or worsen health, depending on what you eat,” (2).  Plenty of other medical, health, and fitness professionals agree. Fueling your body with the right kinds of food can reverse the effects of chronic disease, such a diabetes, hypertension, and even cancer (1). The recipe below for a hearty and healthy breakfast burrito is just one example of how we can use food as medicine to get your to your ultimate goal so you can live a happy, healthy lifestyle.

Overnight Oat Parfaits

I Don’t Have Time to Make Breakfast…

It’s a very common phrase we hear people say over and over again. Let’s be honest though, we all have time. We all get the same 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week. “Having time” just depends on your priorities.
I have an 18 month old toddler who is always on the go so I can tell you from experience that it seems like there is never enough time. She keeps me quite busy (and active for that matter). With that being said, I find it important to prepare healthy and tasty meals for my entire family. I constantly search for easy, quick recipes. Let me share with you one of the biggest time savers I’ve discovered… 

Problem Solved: Overnight Oat Parfaits