Tag: overnight oats

Fueling Your Ferrari

A High Performance Machine

Food is fuel for our bodies. It gives us the energy we need to survive and perform daily activities. Think of your body like a Ferrari. Fueling your Ferrari properly is very important. Ferraris are high performance vehicles that require premium gas to function properly. Your body is no different. In order for your body to perform its best, you need to fuel it with health foods. You wouldn’t put junk fuel in a Ferrari’s tank so why do that to your body? 

Proper Fueling

With that said, have you been fueling your Ferrari with nutrition food? If not, time to start doing so. Health and fitness are 75% about what you eat and 25% about the movement/exercise piece. Doing both are clearly important, but if you have to start anywhere, I recommend to start with getting your nutrition on track.

I had a client who broke her leg a couple weeks into her program. The cast and crutches (as well as eventually the boot) made even walking a challenge so applying pressure to the foot wasn’t an option and working out was limited. Therefore, we devoted lots of time and energy to her eating habits. Even though her movement was limited, she lost over 10 pounds just by focusing on fueling her body with the proper nutritious food. It wasn’t easy or fun. She grumbled about not being able to have Starbucks Frappuccinos and McDonald’s Frappes, but now being down almost 25 pounds, she can say it was worth it. She learned that those type of foods do not provide her body with the right kind of nutrition it needs in order to get results and perform its best.