Are you a gym-goer who shows up, does 20 half-hearted minutes on the elliptical machines, a few lackluster bicep curls, and some sit-ups and calls it good?
It’s time to ditch the gym equipment and start using your body weight to get you into shape. These bodyweight exercises can target every muscle group in your body for a complete workout.
Keep reading for 10 of the best bodyweight exercises that you should incorporate into your workout routine.
Benefits of the Best Bodyweight Exercises
Bodyweight exercises are a form of strength training (and many of them combine cardio with the strength exercises). While most people think of only cardio when thinking about exercise and getting into shape, strength training has tremendous benefits.
Some of the obvious benefits of bodyweight exercises are that they are totally free, customizable, and can be done anywhere at any time. Beyond those benefits, bodyweight exercises also:
- build lean muscle mass
- improve heart health
- reduce your risk of diabetes
- improve your mood and mental health
- improve the health of your joints and bones
- reduce stress
Free exercises that you can do anywhere at any time and have multiple benefits for my health? What are you waiting for? Read on for the best bodyweight exercises you can start doing right now.
Before beginning strength training, consider warming up with brisk walking or another aerobic activity for five or 10 minutes. Cold muscles are more prone to injury than are warm muscles.
They have a terrible name, but they are an extremely effective exercise. Burpees combine squats, planks, push-ups, and jumping to work your lower body, upper body, and your core. Not only are they great for increasing your strength, but they provide an intense cardio workout too.
Push-ups are one of the most popular bodyweight exercises and they can be modified so that everyone can do them. The strengthen and tone your upper body muscles and your core.
They’re also great for increasing your upper body strength so you can do pull-ups and dips on the bar.
There are a variety of options for lunges. You can perform stationary lunges, step-back lunges, or walking lunges. These are all great exercises to tone your lower body and glutes.
To do a lunge, start out standing straight up. Lunge one foot forward and squat down, getting your other knee as close to the ground as possible, then stand back up.
To do walking lunges, alternate legs and move forward with your lunges rather than remaining stationary. If you want to try step-back lunges, simply step backwards, rather than forwards, with your stationary lunges.
Squats can help tone your lower body and strengthen your back and give you a great calorie-burning workout. If you want to up the difficulty, do jump squats, where you jump and lift your feet off the ground after going into the squat position.
If you have access to a sturdy box, staircase, or weight bench, you can do step-ups. They tone your lower body and burn calories as well. Alternate your legs each time to work both your right and left legs.
Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers not only work every muscle group in your body, they also provide an intense calorie burning workout. They work your lower body, arms, and core. Go as fast as you possibly can to maximize calorie burn.
Tuck Jumps
Tuck jumps work your lower body and your abs and give you a killer cardio workout too. Anyone can do these and they can be done pretty much anywhere.
To do a tuck jump, stand straight up, lower your body into a squat position, and explode up, tucking your knees to your chest. Once you land, get right back into the next one.
These are harder than you think!
Jumping Jacks
Yes, the tried and true elementary school exercise of jumping jacks is a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some calories. They’ll help with flexibility and strengthen your upper and lower body.
If you really want to make them tough, try plank jacks. Get into a plank position with your arms straight and quickly move your feet out and in. Do them as fast as you can to really get your heart pumping.
Triceps Dips
All you need to do triceps dips is a step, bench, or chair. Once you find a good place, place both hands on the surface and then move off of the bench or step, keeping your hands on it and then lowering your body below your elbows. Make sure you keep your arms tucked in and then push yourself back up.
These will be harder than you think!
Wall Sits
All you need for wall sits are your body weight and any wall. Wall sits work your lower body and back muscles and while they look easy, your legs will be burning quickly.
Stand straight up with your back against a wall and slowly slide down until your legs are at a 90-degree angle. Hold this position for as long as you can. Time yourself so you can keep track of your progress.
When to Expect Results
You don’t need to lift weights for hours upon hours every day to reap the benefits. Two or three 20 to 30-minute strength training sessions a week will be hugely beneficial.
Over time, your strength will start to increase and you will be able to perform more of these exercises and at a higher intensity, or last longer during exercises like wall
The Bottom Line
You could get up and do most of these exercises right now if you are committed to incorporating strength training into your routine.
You don’t need a gym membership or equipment, so what are you waiting for? Pick a few off of this list of the best bodyweight exercises and give them a shot!
If you think you’re ready to take your workouts up a notch and would benefit from a personal trainer, contact us today to see how we can help you achieve your goals.
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