Category: Fitness Advice

Top 8 Awesome Benefits of Attending a Fitness Boot Camp

“I hate working out!”

A lot of people think this. Many people even say it. In fact, you might be one of those people.

The idea of getting up off your comfy couch and driving to the gym is distasteful. You’re just going to go for a boring run on the treadmill or count endless uninspired reps on the weight machines.

Let’s face it. Only people who love working out for the sake of working out can sustain that kind of routine. If you’re not one of them, you need to find a different way to work out.

Joining fitness boot camp classes is a fantastic option! No more being bored out of your mind and watching the second hand tick by on the clock. Check out these 8 awesome benefits to get an idea if a fitness boot camp is right for you!

Why Am I Gaining Weight? The Guide to Putting on Muscle and How it Helps Burn Fat

why am i gaining weight

Maybe you’ve just started your fitness journey. And you’ve been good about it–you’ve maintained a routine, you’re eating well, and you’re doing what your trainer tells you to do.

And yet, you’re gaining weight. And you step on the scale thinking, “Why am I gaining weight? I’m doing everything I’m supposed to!”

Here’s the truth: you might be doing everything right and still gain weight. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though, if you’re gaining muscle.

Here, we’re breaking down why you’re gaining weight, how your metabolism makes that happen, and why you should take muscle gains as a big win.

Girls Lifting Weights: 9 Reasons Why Women Should Lift

girls lifting weights

Women often skip straight past the weights at the gym out of fear of ripping muscles like an amazon woman. But girls lifting weights experience the same benefits as women who practice cardio or yoga, possibly more!

Here are 9 reasons why women should lift weights regularly!

1. Muscle Burns Fat

The muscle you want to avoid building burns the fat that you want to lose!


Some of the important functions of skeletal muscle include movement, blood cell production, and heat production in the body. In fact, according to a skeletal muscle medical publication, our muscles produce almost 85% of our body heat from contracting!

Anybody who pays an energy bill can tell you that heat production requires energy. So, within each of our muscle cells, little powerhouses called mitochondria constantly work to keep them functioning. This makes muscle cells natural energy consumers.

If you lift, you grow and increase the number of muscle cells, which in turn need more energy to participate in bodily functions, thus increasing your metabolic rate, even while you rest. Meaning, you burn more calories. One pound of fat equals 3,500 calories, so when you burn more calories than you consume, your body will resort to breaking down the fat stores for the extra energy needed to fuel your muscles.

Fat Burning Tip

Don’t starve yourself! This is counterproductive; not providing your body the energy it needs will result in it breaking down muscle for fuel, which will lower your metabolism.

Instead, eat small, frequent, nutritious meals to keep your muscles energized!

Top 10 Best Bodyweight Exercises You’re Not Doing

best bodyweight exercises

Are you a gym-goer who shows up, does 20 half-hearted minutes on the elliptical machines, a few lackluster bicep curls, and some sit-ups and calls it good?

It’s time to ditch the gym equipment and start using your body weight to get you into shape. These bodyweight exercises can target every muscle group in your body for a complete workout.

Keep reading for 10 of the best bodyweight exercises that you should incorporate into your workout routine.

Benefits of the Best Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a form of strength training (and many of them combine cardio with the strength exercises). While most people think of only cardio when thinking about exercise and getting into shape, strength training has tremendous benefits.

Some of the obvious benefits of bodyweight exercises are that they are totally free, customizable, and can be done anywhere at any time. Beyond those benefits, bodyweight exercises also:

  • build lean muscle mass
  • improve heart health
  • reduce your risk of diabetes
  • improve your mood and mental health
  • improve the health of your joints and bones
  • reduce stress

Free exercises that you can do anywhere at any time and have multiple benefits for my health? What are you waiting for? Read on for the best bodyweight exercises you can start doing right now.

Before beginning strength training, consider warming up with brisk walking or another aerobic activity for five or 10 minutes. Cold muscles are more prone to injury than are warm muscles.


They have a terrible name, but they are an extremely effective exercise. Burpees combine squats, planks, push-ups, and jumping to work your lower body, upper body, and your core. Not only are they great for increasing your strength, but they provide an intense cardio workout too.

Learn How to Get a Nice Lean Body for Summer

how to get a nice lean body

As temperatures rise and more revealing clothing starts getting pulled from the closet, you may be thinking towards summer and all that comes with it. If you’re getting ready to strut your stuff at the beach, pool, or elsewhere, the time to start preparing is now.

That being said, weight loss isn’t always an easy process. Finding the motivation can be difficult, as is finding a process that is right for you.

If you want to know how to get a nice lean body for the summer, read on as we offer some of our essential tips and tricks.

Maintain A Healthy Diet

The easiest way to get the body you want is to feed it the right ingredients. The obvious elements should go without saying, but just in case you need the reminder: stay away from junk foods. This includes but is not limited to cake, chips, pizza, candy, ice cream and more.

It may be hard to give these items up, but its an essential step in how to get a great body.

Opt instead for foods that are high in fiber or protein. Fruits and vegetables will help you stay healthy, fit and energized during your days. You should eat as many of them as possible. Not a veggies person? Trying dipping them in something equally healthy, such as hummus.

It’s also advisable that you aim for smaller portions throughout your day. Three or four small meals is better than two big ones. And remember– starving yourself not only is hugely detrimental to your health but can actually hurt your chances of losing weight.

Without food coming in, your metabolism will slow and your body will go into fat saving mode as an act of protection. If you want to lose some weight, eating small and healthy is the only way to go.