“I hate working out!”
A lot of people think this. Many people even say it. In fact, you might be one of those people.
The idea of getting up off your comfy couch and driving to the gym is distasteful. You’re just going to go for a boring run on the treadmill or count endless uninspired reps on the weight machines.
Let’s face it. Only people who love working out for the sake of working out can sustain that kind of routine. If you’re not one of them, you need to find a different way to work out.
Joining fitness boot camp classes is a fantastic option! No more being bored out of your mind and watching the second hand tick by on the clock. Check out these 8 awesome benefits to get an idea if a fitness boot camp is right for you!
1. Weight Loss
For many people, the ultimate goal of a fitness program is weight loss. And for good reason.
Nearly 40% of adults around the world are overweight or obese. There are many well-documented health problems linked to or exacerbated by being overweight. Thus, people are looking for a way to slim down and be more healthy.
A fitness boot camp is one such excellent way to do it. These fitness programs focus on high-intensity aerobics training combined with weight training. This combination is an extremely effective way of kicking the body in gear and burning fat.
2. Jumpstart Your Metabolism
As we just mentioned, the workout style of a fitness boot camp is great for getting your body in fat-burning mode. It’s also a great way of keeping it there.
The switching back and forth between cardiovascular and strength training elements is fantastic for your metabolism. In fact, your metabolism continues to work faster hours after the workout is over.
This added effect essentially means that your body is doing extra fat-burning work without you having to lift a finger.
3. Build Muscle
Men don’t usually shy away from a good muscle-building workout. Most of them are looking for some added girth to their biceps anyways.
Women, however, do tend to shy away from strength workouts. If you’re one of them, this could be a huge reason why your workout efforts haven’t been as successful as you would like.
Unless a woman injects herself with copious amounts of testosterone, she will never get bulky like a man. So get that out of your head right now.
Instead, she will enjoy the massive benefits of strength training. Muscle burns calories faster, thus more muscle equals a faster metabolism. Plus, strength training tones and shapes the muscles for a firm (but not masculine) appearance. Not to mention, you get stronger and feel more energetic.
Doing only cardio or only strength training will never give you the same benefits of combining them. That’s what makes a fitness boot camp such a great choice.
4. Be Energized
An added benefit of intense exercise is that it floods your system with endorphins. These are the feel-good chemicals that your body naturally produces during exercise.
This, combined with a faster metabolism gives you an energy boost. With regular fitness training classes, this boost will last and you’ll feel more alive and energetic all the time.
5. Get Social
Fitness boot camps are typically small group workout classes. Thus, you get to gather together with other like-minded people.
Sweat, have fun, and engage in friendly competition. You might even start to make friends with some of your classmates.
Humans love to be social and tend to draw energy from each other. Fitness boot camps take advantage of the natural tendency for people to draw energy from each other.
6. Accountability
Another added benefit of the social aspect is accountability.
Consider this scenario. You don’t feel up for going to class one day. But then you remember that so-and-so challenged you to such-and-such at the last class. If you don’t show up, you automatically lose. Or you look like you weren’t up for the challenge.
This accountability factor helps keep you going to classes when you might otherwise not feel up to it.
7. Feel Motivated
The social aspect gives you a great external motivation to keep going to classes. But another benefit of fitness boot camps is the internal motivation you’ll feel.
The energy and rush you feel after a good workout is actually kind of addictive. Once you’re set in a good workout routine, your body will crave the exercise.
No more sitting around talking yourself into going to the gym. You’ll actually be excited and want to go. Your body will be begging you for it!
8. Mental Boost
Attending fitness boot camp classes will also give you a mental boost. And not just in the ways we’ve already talked about with energy and motivation.
These fitness classes are loosely based on the intense fitness training that the military does with its recruits. Of course, your fitness instructor won’t be as intense as a drill sergeant. But they will do their best to motivate you and push you to your limits.
As your body grows stronger, so does your mind. You’ll be happy with the results that you see in the mirror as the fat melts away and your body becomes more toned.
But you’ll also be happier with who you are as a person. As you reach and surpass your goals, you’ll feel proud of yourself and more confident with each passing day.
Get Started with a Fitness Boot Camp Today!
These are just 8 of the many awesome benefits of a fitness boot camp. Even if you’re still not sure about trying it, you haven’t got anything to lose. Well, maybe a few extra fat cells.
Fitness boot camp classes might sound a little intense, but don’t let that scare you away. Instructors will work with you where you’re at. Pretty soon you’ll be meeting (and exceeding) goals you never thought possible.
Ready to get fit and feel good? Contact us today to get started!
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