“Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it.” —Elastigirl, The Incredibles
Ever ask yourself that question before? Perhaps you’ve thought to yourself how nice it would be to be somebody else from time to time? Our identity is the image that we have of ourselves. This image is particularly influenced by parents, peers, and other role models.
Identity is generally thought of as our individual perceptions of our behavior, abilities, and unique characteristics. It is a mental picture of who you are as a person. For example, beliefs such as, “I am a good friend,” or, “I am the type of person who gets things done,” are part of an identity. Those of you that are struggling with self doubt, negative body image, and making your healthy a priority have identity reshaping work to do. It’s time to change your identity.
Fact: Those who say they can AND those who say they can’t are BOTH right.
If you tell yourself, “I’m the type of person that can’t lose weight.” You will be. If you tell yourself, “I’m not where I want to be right now, but that’s okay … I am a committed, disciplined person and focus on one baby step win at a time.” Who do you think will have better results?
Finding that you’ve typically been the person claiming that you want to lose weight and can’t, but you want to be that second person who is committed? Well, it’s time to change your identity. You have control over the outcome of your life. Start by taking one step at a time. Change your identity from “I can’t” to “I can.” Give it a try; remove the word “can’t.” You’d be amazed how even doing something so small as that can have such a large impact in various aspects of your life not just your mindset.
What are some thoughts/beliefs you carry (within your current identity) that do not serve you?
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It’s time to put yourself first. If you’re really ready to take things to the next level and crush all of your health goals. Go ahead and book your complimentary breakthrough coaching call. That’s where we’ll get crystal clear on your vision, identify challenges, motivate the heck out of you. Also we’ll provide you a roadmap to achieve your goals. Contact us here. Our team of rockstars will help you get on track, push you past your plateau to get you rolling again, assist you with nutrient timing or assist you whatever else you need to get your habits in alignment with your goals. We’re happy to assist. We want to see you live a happy and healthy lifestyle!