5 tips for getting FIT

Fitness can be a very enjoyable and fulfilling activity that anyone can enjoy. However, for a beginner, that piece of equipment or that exercise can be very intimidating to figure out. So, what should a novice do to learn how to use it properly? The best personal trainer in Chicago for YOU may just be here at Transform Personal Training and can guide you as you start your journey towards a fitter you. Here are some tips on staying fit in AND out of the gym:

1. Learning to dance is a great way to get more exercise into your life. Dancers are known for having some of the fittest bodies in the world and this is not by coincidence. Dancing requires incredible core strength, as well as, the stamina to get through a tough routine.

Even if you will never be a professional dancer, learning to dance is a fun way to incorporate physical fitness into your free time, as well as a fun way to meet new people.

2. Aerobic exercises are not the only way to burn calories. Strength training is an important part of a healthy exercise regime. Lifting weights, using resistance bands and similar activities help build muscle, which pound for pound burns more calories than fat. Plus, proper strength training gives you a lean and fit look.

3. Count calories. Knowing exactly how much you eat each day is important, because it helps you monitor whether you are likely to gain or lose weight. The combination of burning calories while exercising and closely watching your calorie intake will produce quick, major results.

A personal trainer can help you with creating a meal plan that keeps you in line with your calorie intake.

4. Body weight exercises with no equipment are great ways to get and STAY fit especially when on the road. Learn to increase or decrease the difficulty with slight modification and you are set. Diamond push ups are just one type of push up modification that can be done to achieve greater fitness results than standard ones. To do them, simply place your hands on the floor and create a diamond shape. Then do push ups as you normally would. The closer your hands are to each other when in the diamond configuration, the harder it is to do.

5. It is vital to start a new exercise program slowly to avoid physical injury. Most injuries typically occur by working out too much or without properly warming up. Begin your workout by stretching to get the muscles conditioned and ready. Increase the intensity of your workout by 10 percent each week.

Now, you should be able to see why fitness can be such an enjoyable activity to participate in. There is so much fun and so many benefits that can be gained as one tries to improve their health and body. With these tips in mind and the help of your personal trainer in Chicago from Transform Personal Training, you can start creating your own fitness plan with ease!