Let me introduce you to Bob

Bob and Gerri

Bob is 75 years young and joined the Transform family in February. Bob has diabetes and came to us looking to lose a little weight, increase strength, relieve some aches and pains, and improve his general health. Bob has been working with Gerri Clark 2 times a week and just finished up his 2nd month with us. Gerri has been working very closely with Bob on his nutrition because his blood sugar levels have been all over the place causing him to gain weight. Lets fast forward…


Today Bob walked into his session with the BIGGEST smile on his face you could ever imagine. On Monday Bob had a doctors appointment and his doctor was dumbfounded because his blood sugar levels had stabilized and for the first time in YEARS they had to lower his insulin levels. On top of that, Bob had lost 10lbs, has more energy, and was fitting into pants he hadn’t been able to wear in a very long time. The doctor told him that whatever he is doing is WORKING and to keep it up. And Bob will. Bob has never been more motivated and can’t wait to see what else is possible.


This is why we do what we do at Transform. There is no greater feeling than to see that gigantic smile on a clients face when they realize that truly anything is possible at ANY age. Keep up the great work Bob and Gerri! Your story is an inspiration to many.