Self Pity Defined
You’ve probably seen me talk about Self Pity and how it can ruin your progress and/or life. Before we talk about whether or not you’re living with it, let’s define exactly what self pity is. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, self pity is “a self-indulgent dwelling on one’s own sorrows or misfortunes” or an expanded version from Wikipedia is, “… an emotion in which one feels sympathy, sorrow, and pity toward the self in regards to one’s own internal and external experiences of suffering. Self-pity has also been defined as an emotion “directed towards others with the goal of attracting attention, empathy, or help.”
Signs You’re Living with Self Pity?
Here are some signs you’re living with self pity:
- Struggling With Everything: At times it feels like you’re “always struggling” with health, relationships, and finances. You might even catch yourself focusing only on the negative.
- Unhealthy Attention: Self-pity does a great job at gaining attention. Those that pity themselves crave sympathy and condolences from others. At times you might catch yourself exaggerating your problems and seek others for reassurance.
- Validation Sends You Further Down The Rabbit Hole: At times you engage in negative self talk. Example: “Today will suck” “This date will go bad” “The meeting will be a failure” – consequently enough it goes exactly how you said it would.
- Living In A Warped Reality: You catch yourself bogged down by reality. You might even experience panic attacks because “it all just feels too heavy.”
- Depression: At times you feel helpless, unworthy, or “depressed.”
- Cage With A Mirror: At times you feel like you’re locked in a cage with a mirror and you hate what you see.
- You Feel Like You Have No Potential: You catch yourself talking out of doing things or you quit right when you start because you believe you’ll fail anyways.
- Lack Of Fun: At times you feel “caught up” in your stinkin’ thinkin’. Suddenly, staying in and isolating seems easier/more comfortable than going out and living your life. You might even feel sorry for yourself or beat yourself up during the process.
You are not a victim to your circumstances. You can choose breakthroughs. This is your life. The quality of your life is up to you. If you’re not where you want to be in life, then there’s still time to change that. It just requires you step outside your comfort zone and take action. We know that’s challenging seeing that most people don’t like change; however, the best things in life happen when we step outside our comfort zones.
If you identified with any of the signs listed above, please message us so we can help coach you out of it. We would love the opportunity to get you out of a rut, get you to the next level, and crush all of your health goals. Book your free breakthrough coaching call; don’t wait. Act now. You know that’s what you need right now. On the call, we will get crystal clear on your vision, identify challenges, motivate the heck out of you, provide you a roadmap to your goals achieved. Simply follow this link to Contact us. Our team of highly experienced coaches will help you get on track. We want to see you happy and healthy so you can live the best life possible.
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