Is Your Tank Running on E?
Is your motivation tank running on E, right now? Can’t find direction or a little lost on what to do next. Right now you just need some small wins to get back into momentum and feeling great and positive about yourself and your capabilities. One of the best way to do that is to SWAP. SWAPPING is an easy way to get wins. Why? Because you’re simply two things. First, you’re making a decision to switch something that is already happening. Second, you’re replacing it with something that is going to serve versus hurt you. Commit to this 4-week SWAP challenge to get back on your feet and winning again.
SWAP Challenge Basics
Wondering what you’re signing on to do? Let’s go over the basics. I promise it’s not nearly as daunting as it might sound. For the next four weeks, you’ll be swapping the following:
- Consume less fried food and more whole foods
- Eat fewer treats and more fruits
- Cut back on fizzy drinks and drink more water
- Have less fast food and more home cooking
- Pick less white bread and more whole grains
The Reasons Why
Okay, so now you get the gist of what the challenge is, but now let’s dive into the rhyme and reason behind why for the swap challenge. Some of this you might already know; however, a little refresher never hurt anyone.
Less Fried More Whole Food
As holistic health practitioner, naturopath and raw food advocate Ann Wigmore said, “The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” Can you guess which ones are best for you? I bet you can, but just to be certain, I’ll put it out there… fried foods contain additives and preservatives that hurt you while whole foods contain vitamins and minerals that help you. SWAP them! Your waistline will thank you.
Less Treats and More Fruits
Cravings hit when we’re lacking nutrients, that is why we reach out for “treats.” Treats eaten = endorphins released = feeling good. That is the addictive reality when it comes to eating “treats.” The solution? SWAP for fruit! You will get your endorphin fix and a bucket full of nutrients and minerals.
Less Fizzy Drinks and More Water
Fizzy drinks are a NO GO. Why? Because they’re loaded with sugar. Reality check = your body is 75% water. It is CRITICAL that you hydrate. Solution? SWAP the sugar filled crap for the thing that satisfies your human need.
Less Fast Food and More Home Cooking
Fast food may taste great but 10 years off that is a great recipe for lessening your time here on earth. Would your loved ones appreciate that? I don’t think so! Here’s the cool part. You can make BETTER and TASTIER food at home. Home cooking is like signing a guarantee that you’re going 1) have fun and love the taste 2) get what you need and 3) stay on Earth longer for your loved ones. MAKE THE SWAP BABY!
Less White Bread and More Whole Grains
Too much white bread = insulin spikes = fat storage. You can accomplish the same taste and recipe with whole grains. Whole grains keep us fuller for longer, typically taste better, and help GI health. Make the swap!
Are You In?
Alright, you know what the challenge is and the why behind we you should swap. Let’s review the basics just to be certain you didn’t miss anything. Here’s a quick cheat sheet of what you’ll work on over the next four weeks.
- LESS –> fried foods, treats, fizzy drinks, fast food, and white bread
- MORE –> whole foods, fruits, water, home cooking, and whole grains
Give it the full 28 days. You’d be amazed at the impact making these changes can have on your health. You won’t be disappointed. Fuel your body like the Ferrari that it is and it will perform well.
Check out our blog on our website, Transform’s Facebook page, and our Instagram account (@TransformFitCoach) for fit tips, recipes and more so you can reach your goals. Also, don’t forget to join our FREE Facebook group for MORE exclusive content and daily coaching. Search Your Fit and Healthy Life on Facebook or just click this link.
Ready To Get Results?
If you’re really ready to take things to the next level and crush all of your health goals, book your free breakthrough coaching call with us today. That’s where we’ll get crystal clear on your vision, identify challenges, motivate the heck out of you, and provide you a roadmap to reach your goals. Simply follow this link to Contact us and our team of highly experienced rockstars will help you get on track; or maybe you’ve been in the groove and are a little stuck lately. Our staff can help you push through a plateau too. Regardless of where you are on your fitness journey, we want to see you happy and healthy so you can live the best life possible.