It’s that time of year when family and friends gather to celebrate holiday festivities with one another. For some, this is a relaxing time of year filled with fond memories and social gatherings filled with merriment. As for others, it’s a dreaded time of year filled with stress and a wide range of unpleasant emotions. What do they have in common? Both scenarios tend to lend themselves to more than usual alcohol consumption during this time of the year. It’s also a leading reason why so many people pack on extra pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years. We’re not saying you can’t or shouldn’t drink, you can still partake in boozing this holiday season if you choose. As always, keep an eye out for how much and how frequently you’re consuming alcohol. Alcohol is known to lead to dehydration. It’s part of the reason why hangovers happen. With that said, let’s go over something we get asked a lot… Which one is a healthier choice: Tequila vs. Wine?
One-shot is relatively low in calories, providing only 64. This could make it a good option if you’re wanting to drop weight, cut fat, or are simply watching your calories to meet daily targets. Tequila doesn’t contain any carbohydrates or sugars so is also a perfect option to smoothie fit into your macro count! This is, of course, when it is not consumed with mixers, consuming tequila with mixers such as in the form of a margarita, will certainly boost up the sugar, carbohydrate and calorie content of the drink, so take caution! For the healthiest option, skip the mixers and martinis, order tequila straight with a lime wedge on the side.
Now that we’ve talked about tequila, let’s chat about wine. One standard glass provides between 100-300 calories, this is if you pour it to the true standard glass line. Not above! Although red wine is higher in calories, there is evidence to support some very beneficial and health-promoting compounds in red wine, called resveratrol. Resveratrol is a type of flavonoid which may provide positive protective effects. Although it does contain this powerful compound, experts suggest that it is best you stick to the limit of 125ml per day. Drinking anything more than this amount will negate its potential health effects.
Now that we’ve gone over tequila vs. wine, what’s your drink of choice?
If you are partaking in boozing this holiday season, please be safe and responsible. Secondly, remember to drink in moderation. You can drink, but make sure you keep yourself in check. Alternate between water and booze. This will keep you hydrated as well as prevent you from making choices you might regret later. Additionally, it will keep your waistline from expanding too much.
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