Why Wait Until NYE?

Why Talk About 2021 Now?

Why talk about 2021 when all we want to do is get through the rest of 2020. We can wait until NYE to prep for the new year. 2020 has been a rough year for everyone so we get it; everyone wants to enjoy the festivities of the season as much as possible. It’s one of the few joys we’ve had all year and quite frankly we don’t blame anyone for wanting to savor those precious moments. The holidays mean: short work weeks, decorating the home festively, driving around neighborhoods looking at light displays, snuggling fireside with loved ones, building gingerbread houses, baking holiday cookies, drinking delectable holiday beverages, and usually spending time with family (obviously that looks a little different than years past).

You know what the holidays don’t mean? As tempting as it may be, it does NOT mean time to slack off on your goals or to wait to until NYE to set your resolutions.


Why do Many People Wait Until NYE? 

So many people give up on their goals. Some as early as one month into a new year while others hold out longer for a couple more months. Either way,  the closer the end of the year approaches, the less and less people stick to and reach their goals.

Do you know why? It’s because often times people either set too lofty of goals for themselves or they set a reasonable goal, but don’t break down that big goal into smaller goals throughout the year. As the end of the year nears, they realize they still have not reached their goal. They feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and usually give up. “I’ll try again next year.” It becomes a vicious cycle that repeats over and over again. 

Guess what, you can break the cycle. Let’s go over about how.

Breaking the Cycle

The key is making small changes over time. Eventually those small changes add up to BIG results. Wouldn’t it be great to start 2021 on a roll already? I’m not saying you have to make drastic changes. Rather, start here today: 

Commit to living a healthier lifestyle

Changing a few little things here and there add up in the long run. Here are some examples of easy things you can start doing now to get the ball rolling:

  • Drink more water 
  • Get in more steps 
  • Eat slowly 
  • Eat until you feel content (not starving, not full)
  • Make better beverage choices (such as cut down on booze)
  • Eat less fast food (or ideally completely cut it out) 

Keep in mind it is all going to take practice. On average it takes approximately 21 days to build a new habit. Starting now puts you ahead of the game and sets you on track for maintain your progress so you can get to your goal. Speaking of goals, we need to talk about those because that’s huge part of the equation.


SMART Goals with Benchmarks

I could go on hours talking about the importance of this, but I’ll try to keep it short. As mentioned above, often times people set too big of goals for themselves or they set a reasonable one, but still don’t reach their goal by the end of the year. 

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Another important thing to do is to create benchmark goals. These are ones that break the bigger goal into smaller bits to make it more manageable. Here is an few examples: 

    • I will lose 50 pounds by 12/31/2021 by eating well and exercising consistently.
    • 1: I will lose 13 lbs by 3/31/2021
    • 2: I will lose 12 lbs more (25 lbs total) by 6/30/2021
    • 3: I will lose 13 lbs more (38 lbs total) by 9/30/2021
    • 4: I will lose 12 lbs more (50 total) by 12/31/2021

Remember, a SMART goal has to be attainable. With that said, it is not reasonable to expect the average person to lose 20 pounds in a month. A reasonable number would be a lot closer to 10 pounds (about 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week). Slow and steady wins the race. This is not a sprint, it is a marathon. Also, if you hit a benchmark sooner than expected, keep going! 


The Truth

I’ll be honest with you, it’s going to take time. It will take lots of practice. It’s going to challenge you.

You will undoubtedly make mistakes. You will contemplate quitting over and over again, but this year you’re going to keep going because you want it THAT badly. You want to live your happiest and healthiest year yet. 

Just keep pushing forward. Be consistent and strive to be a little better each and every day. I promise you, it WILL be worth it!


Getting Pumped Up

Remember, the pyramids weren’t built overnight. Your future self will thank you after you’ve taken these challenging steps towards living a happier, healthier life! Here’s a powerful video to get you in the right mindset:


Now go out and get it!



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