Tag: cravings

How Filling Is the Food You’re Eating?

A Dance Party in Your Stomach

Ever find yourself frustrated in feeling full and killing cravings? Wonder how filling is the food you’re eating? Let’s back track real quick … Why do we eat? We eat to live, right? Right! Now I think it’s fair to say (on behalf of the human experience) we also eat to have a dance party in our stomach. Can I get a hell freakin’ yeah on that? So how do we solve this eat for a dance party while feeling satisfied to the max problem? What is the secret to filling ourselves like a bucket of water all while hosting a dance party in our stomachs (haha)?

How to Avoid Food Cravings


Pizza, potato chips, pretzels, cookies, ice cream, candy… the list of foods people crave goes on and on.We hear about pregnant women having crazy cravings at all hours of the night. Personally, I craved ice cream as well as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches throughout my pregnancy (Halo Top’s PB&J ice cream was HEAVENLY). Even after giving birth to my daughter, I still find myself dealing with cravings from time to time. I know I’m not the only one. Cravings happen and not just to pregnant women. Whether it is something sweet or something savory, everyone gets cravings at one point or another. I could ask you what you crave, but I know you’re here seeking advice about your cravings. The real question is how to avoid food cravings?