Tag: health

A Truth Bomb

Here’s a truth bomb (and trust me, I’m saying this out of love)… YOU are the reason for why you haven’t reached your goals. Was that hard to digest? Let me explain…



I used to feel super uncomfortable in my clothes; the mushroom top program was REAL. Ugh! After having baby number two, I felt like I’d gotten to the point of no return and I thought I would be stuck with my post-pregnancy body. I wanted to change, but I just kept making excuses. Day after day, week after week, month after month. There I was. Every time I looked at my clothes, I saw imaginary labels on them. They said “when I lose the weight”…  Yet, time went by and nothing changed. I kept loathing in my self pity.

Forgiveness is Healthy

“To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.”—Robert Muller

One of THOSE Blog Posts?

This is not one of those religious blogs where we’re going to try to persuade you to following something or someone. However, we’re bringing up forgiveness for a good reason. Forgiveness is for you (and everyone else too). Forgiveness is healthy. Actually, it is beneficial to multiple components of our health: mental, emotional, psychological, social, and physical.


An unforgiving spirit is filled with hurt, anger, bitterness, and resentment. Unless brought under control, these emotions can wreak havoc in our lives. Unforgiveness can trigger bad behaviors and habits like excessive drinking, unhealthy weight gain, bad relationships, shopping addictions, etc. Maybe you can relate to some of those? 

How to Control It

The best way to control and manage such powerfully negative emotions is by understanding and practicing the art of forgiveness. Forgiveness, by definition, is to cease feelings of resentment against (offender). “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies,” said Nelson Mandela. It is an attribute of the strong that lets you regain your personal power, helps you restore yourself to basic goodness and health. Also, it is a way to enhance self-esteem, give hope, and restore faith. Forgiveness is the key to making peace with your past, fully embracing your future and lasting happiness. 

Cleanse Your Body


Take a walk through a health food store or browse a healthy living website, and you’re bound to encounter one of the wellness industry’s favorite words: TOXINS.  You can buy drinks, face masks, supplements , and creams that promise to “detoxify” / “cleanse” your body or your skin. Quick-fix diets and cleanses are described as “detox” diets.
It all sounds appealing, but these products don’t tell you your body already comes pre-equipped with an exceptional detoxifying system that cleanses your body: your skin, kidneys, liver, lungs, and colon.

The Truth About Detoxes/Cleanses

Notice these products and diets don’t ever mention what type of toxins they are removing. This is because they CANNOT actually remove anything that’s poisonous, or toxic. In fact, your body is already performing this function. Our lungs exhale carbon dioxide, your liver and kidneys filter your blood, and your colon and large intestine get rid of whatever our body can’t use from the food we eat.
If you are ingesting toxins your body can’t handle (like tobacco smoke), no pill, diet, or cleanse will help. The next time you’re tempted by a detox diet or product, stop and remember this; the best thing you can do to help your body with its natural detoxifying system is exercise regularly, eat mostly whole unprocessed food, and prioritize sleep.
When in doubt … work out!

Need Help? 

Not sure where to go from here?  Contact us. Our team of highly experienced coaches will help you get on track. Hit a plateau? Our rockstar staff can help you push through that too. Regardless of where you are on your fitness journey, we want to see you happy and healthy so you can live the best life possible.

Helpful Resources

Check out our blog on our website, Transform’s Facebook page, and our Instagram account (@TransformFitCoach) you’ll find fit tips, recipes and more so you can reach your goals.

Fix How You Fuel Your Body

Breakfast, The Most Important Meal of the Day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? It lights our inner fire and gets us ready to tackle the day ahead. How many of us are currently on a weight-loss journey and the breakfast shown on the right in this picture is our regular? ⁠If it is, STOP.⁠ Fix how you fuel your body.

Special K & Other Like Items⠀

Eating cereals like Special K and being even HUNGRIER only a few hours later is super common. What happens is when you are eating for fat loss, your body has to be put in a caloric deficit BUT, not all calories are created equal. One bowl of special K cereal and milk usually has somewhere between 300-400 calories. ⁠The problem is Special K Cereal is mostly CARBS with little protein and fat and the sugar rush from the cereal will give you with a blood sugar spike.

Proper Fueling

The Importance of Me Time

Y2K on a 20 Year Delay?

Let’s face it, the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic rocked the boat for most people in so many ways. Personally it turned my world upside down completely. We had to make the
tough decision to permanently close our group fitness studios since so many people weren’t/aren’t comfortable going back to gyms yet. Also, we moved in with my parents as we tried to salvage our business and take care of our toddler. For the record, I am eternally grateful to have wonderful, loving parents who were there to help us out. I wish everyone to be as fortunate as we were in that respect.

Between March to August we closed down and cleared out two fitness facilities, sold and moved out of our condo downtown, emptied our storage locker (a Herculean task in itself), and moved into a new home… all while we completely reinvented our fitness business to just one-on-one training and a remote coaching program. To say the least, it was mass chaos and super stressful. I know my husband and I aren’t the only ones who’ve been to hell and back within the last year. Though, I will say that as rough as that was, it forced me to learn and understand the importance of Me Time.


More Than Physical

Health is so much more is than just a physical thing. There are many forms of health: physical, social, emotional, mental spiritual, financial, etc. The pandemic has put a strain on most of those for so many people, myself included. It has caused a lot of burn out. How do we stop that from continuing to happen to ourselves? Well, one way is to make your health a priority. Spend a little time on and for yourself each and everyday.