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It’s Not Your Fault
Baked potatoes are healthier to eat than potato chips. You might think it is ridiculous that I’m going over this, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t know that. It’s okay if you didn’t know that either; it’s not your fault. After teaching in both public and private schools in Chicago, I can tell you for a fact that education around what to eat and how to move our bodies is lacking.
I most recently taught science to primary students ranging from first through fourth grade. The human body was talked about in the fourth grade curriculum, but more so in the sense of the systems, not so much on how everything works together and what is needed in order to maintain functionality. Other than that, there was ZERO nutrition and health education listed in the curriculum. That’s not just the case in Chicago. Look at the national level of science education across our country… the current Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) don’t even include education about nutrition and fitness. It’s no wonder why the obesity rates are what they are in the United States.