The Health Roller Coaster

Starting A Fitness Routine & Keeping Momentum

The journey to a healthier self is like a roller coaster 🎢 it has it’s ups ⬆️ and downs ⬇️, but once you’ve made the decision about starting your fitness journey, you won’t be sorry.

Getting On the Ride 

Taking the first step towards improving your fitness starts before walking into the gym or beginning a program of some sort. It’s when you COMMIT to make a change. It’s like waiting at the top before the drop. It’s filed with excitement 😁, anticipation 😬, and fear 😳.

The Initial Plunge

Then, there’s implementation day when the roller coaster 🎢 starts the first dive. It might be scary 😱 and uncomfortable, but it’s a necessary part of the journey. Grasp it 🤜. The power that pushed you down ⬇️ is the same power that will push you up ⬆️.

At A Dip

You started with ❌ no momentum. But now you’re in motion even at the low hill. Think back to the childhood fable about the tortoise and the hare. Remember who won the race? For those who forgot, it’s the tortoise 🐢. Slow progress is better than no progress. Remember, the pyramids weren’t built overnight. Aim to be a little bit better each and everyday. 


I’m not going to say it will be easy and to those who claim that, be weary. Change is challenging; however, once you’ve started, you’d be amazed how small adjustments can have a significant impact on your life. Once you start seeing and feeling those positive changes, you’ll want more of it and the momentum will continue to build. 
Commit, climb 🪜, repeat 🔁, conquer!
Remember this — Consistency over time is key 🔑.

End of the Ride?

With time, patience, hard work, and dedication, you’ll get to your destination. Realize that doesn’t mean it’s the end. It simply means time to get on the next ride. Whether that means tackling your first 5K, training for a triathlon, prepping for a hike up Everest, or simply maintaining your ultimate goal, there’s still work to be done. Your fitness ride will just change a little bit. Maybe it becomes even more intense, or maybe it’s more like a Merry-Go-Round. No matter what, it all starts with taking the first step and getting on that initial roller coaster ride. 
😨 Scared out of your mind about stepping on the roller coaster and starting a fitness routine? It’s okay. It happens. Reach out and let us help you get on the ride. I like roller coasters and would love to join you for the adventure 😉

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