Tag: weightloss

Draw a Line in the Sand

Breaking Shackles

My job as a coach is to interrupt what you’ve done up until this point. I think we can both agree, what got you here won’t get you any further. It’s my job to help break shackles. Sometimes that requires tough love. Things I say will be tough to read, even harsh at times. Exercises I give you will be difficult to do and feel painful. Good. That means I’m doing my job and you’re doing exactly what you need to be doing at the moment. Do not, however, under any circumstance, run away from the challenge. Instead, run toward it. Right here right now we’re going to go over the key decision you must make. It’s time to draw a line in the sand.

Stop The Insanity Please

There’s a great quote from Albert Einstein that says, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.” Such an easy concept to gasp, but such a hard habit to break. Folks, it’s time to stop the insanity, PLEASE!


Creatures of Habit

How many times have you complained about your current status in life regarding your health, finances, etc? Now that you reflect upon it, you’re realizing that it’s probably a lot, right? We sit and moan about not being where we want to be, but don’t take action to change that. Why? It’s simple, people do not like change. We are creatures of habit. Change is uncomfortable and can be downright scary. It requires us to step outside of our comfort zone. When you step outside that zone, you stop the insanity. It start with you stop making excuses.


Why The Cycle Continues

Maybe you’re sitting there thinking about times you’ve tried to stop the insanity and stepped outside your comfort zone only to fail and retreat back to your old ways. It’s a safe bet to say most people have been there and done that. This happens a lot with diet and exercise for people, especially with New Year’s Eve resolutions. There are a few reasons why so many fail. Firstly, people set unrealistic goals instead of S.M.A.R.T goals. Secondly, people fall of the wagon when they don’t see results as quickly as they want. Another major reason, they make too big of changes to their lifestyle and it becomes overwhelming. All of these attempts have the same goal in mind: stop the insanity to get different results. 

What Excess Weight Does To Your Insides


This image shows a 250 lb. woman on the left and a 120 lb. woman on the right. We can see weight gain from the outside, but we usually can’t see what excess weight does to your insides.

Let’s briefly take s snapshot. Look at the fat (white) surrounding the organs in the woman on the left. Do you also see the fat around her heart  and around her brain? A little scary, isn’t it? Look at the compression around the stomach and internal organs. Do you think that would have any impact on GERD (gastroesophogeal reflux disease) and indigestion? Look at the compressed knee joints. Do you think those joints ache a little more than they should? This is just a small list of things of what excess weight does to your insides. 

Eating for High-Level Wellness ⠀

The Key To High-Level Wellness

As much as we would all like, high level wellness doesn’t happen overnight. ⁠It takes time, energy, and persistence. However, it doesn’t mean spending hours upon hours working out. The key to success starts with eating for high-level wellness.

Eating for high-level wellness can be fun, easy and even delicious to do without being SUPER restrictive⁠ because no one likes that, am I right?! You get this chance to try and experiment with new flavors while fueling your body properly, so knowing activity levels AND goals is important to know how much to eat and of what.⁠ 


5 Tips for High-Level Eating

Here are a few tips…⠀

Calories Are NOT Enough

How is That Possible?  🤯 

When it comes to truly changing the composition of your body and trading fat for muscle- watching your calories are NOT enough. ⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀



Because if ALL of your calories come from carbohydrates and fats, you will NOT be giving your lean muscle tissue the “building blocks” it needs! ⁠

Preserving/building lean muscle tissue is NECESSARY in order to have a “lean/toned” physique” and if your lean muscle mass does not have the proper nutrients – you are more likely to end up with a “skinny/flabby” physique vs. one that is lean and toned.⁠⠀