What Are Macros?

The Covid 19

Have you heard of The Covid 19? I’m not talking about the virus. I’m talking about the 19 pounds or more that so many people gained during the pandemic. Now we’re all trying to gain some semblance of normality back, including our health. People are looking to lose weight and get healthy again. What is the best method for weight loss? The answer is MACROS, YES MACROS! What are macros?

Macronutrients a.k.a Macros⁠

What are macros (macronutrients) and what do they do for my body? Macronutrients (a.k.a macros) are nutrients that make up our food – simple.⁠ The three macros and their calorie equivalent are:⁠

  • Protein ⁠- 1g of protein = 4 calories
  • Carbohydrates⁠ – 1g of carbs = 4 calories
  • Fats – 1g of fat = 9 calories⁠ ⁠⠀⠀

Every single food we eat lands into one of these categories. I know you hear about people tracking Macros ALL THE TIME. When you track Macros, you track when you consume a certain # of grams of protein, fats, and carbohydrates every day in order to hit a certain goal of yours.⁠ Knowing your caloric intake is important so knowing WHERE those calories are coming from is equally important!⁠ Macro tracking is that extra step in calorie tracking that allows people to be successful.⁠ Knowing and using these tools allows you to get the BEST results in your journey .


Must I Count Macros?

Tracking macros doesn’t exactly sound like fun, but it is necessary if you wish you reach your health and fitness goals. It’s not glamorous. Quite frankly it can be a pain in the butt. Thankfully though, there are tons of different apps out there (my favorite is MyFitnessPal) where you can track your macros. Don’t feel like using an app? That’s not a problem. Keep a hand written log. Either way, be consistent and be honest when logging your food and beverages. If you aren’t, you’re only cheating yourself. 

So to answer the question… technically, no you do not have to; however, just understand that either it will take you a lot longer to reach your goals or you may not get to them at all because of not doing so. The best method for weight loss is to track macros. By the way, a helpful tip from me to you … log all of your food first thing in the morning. That way you have a roadmap to follow. Having a plan of attack will keep you on track 😉

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Want to get to the next level faster? 

If you’re having a hard time using the best method for weight loss or if simply ready to take things to the next level and crush all of your health goals, go ahead and book your free breakthrough coaching call where we’re going to get crystal clear on your vision, identify challenges, motivate the heck out of you, provide you a roadmap to your goals achieved . Simply DM me “READY” 🔥 or go here: https://bit.ly/3uWpEbR 

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