Tag: nutrition

A Perfectly Refreshing Lunch Salad

A Secret to Success on A Fitness Journey

Listen carefully. I’m going to share with you one of the secrets to success on a fitness journey towards improved health…. It’s VARIETY. Switching up your mix of healthy recipes is super important. Over the years we’ve noticed that the people who tend to fall off the wagon get bored with what they are eating. With that said, today I have a perfectly refreshing lunch salad recipe to add to your healthy meals arsenal. 

This vegetarian meal is easy to make, packs great flavor, and can be served either hot or cold (honestly, I prefer it served cold, but it’s simply a matter of personal preference). This recipe for Pesto Spaghetti Squash Salad went over really well with everyone in my house, including my toddler. Ideal time to have it is lunch for couple different reasons: it’s refreshing and aligns with the way we time our meals and food groups with our clients. Not sure what I meant by that last part? Send me a message. I’m happy to explain further to clear up any confusion. 


Pesto Spaghetti Squash Salad


Calories Are NOT Enough

How is That Possible?  🤯 

When it comes to truly changing the composition of your body and trading fat for muscle- watching your calories are NOT enough. ⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀



Because if ALL of your calories come from carbohydrates and fats, you will NOT be giving your lean muscle tissue the “building blocks” it needs! ⁠

Preserving/building lean muscle tissue is NECESSARY in order to have a “lean/toned” physique” and if your lean muscle mass does not have the proper nutrients – you are more likely to end up with a “skinny/flabby” physique vs. one that is lean and toned.⁠⠀

2 Healthy Porridge Recipes

There are so many different myths about nutrition that are keeping you from losing weight. There are so many sites with “healthy recipes” out there, but which ones are truly good for you and which ones just claim to be?

Let me make it simple and share a healthy porridge recipe that will fuel your metabolism so you can stay on track and reach your ultimate goal. 

This yummy Healthy Porridge with two different variations for preparing it. Tastes so yummy! We had these the other day. It was super easy to make and we only needed a few things to cook this! 

Pre Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 20 mins