Tag: nutrition

Veggie Love

Lovers and Haters

Some people love them, while some people hate them. What am I talking about? Vegetables. We have both types in our house. I love veggies, but my husband can’t stand them, especially green ones; it’s pretty ironic seeing the industry we’re in. Despite his dislike of veggies, my hubby eats them. Why? It’s simple, we know it’s good for our health. So to help get in his daily dose of veggies, I’ve had to get creative in how I prepare food. Check out our blog and social media

Look, we get it. Eating vegetables isn’t the sexiest thing in the world. It’s more or less a necessary evil to be healthy. It’s ideal to eat them at every meal; yes, that includes breakfast too. Below are some reasons why you should make sure to include veggies in your meals.

Simply Delicious Pancakes


Variety is the spice of life! Stay on track with your health and fitness goals, but switching things up a bit from time to time, especially when it comes to what you’re eating. If you keep eating the same things over and over again, you’re likely to get bored and fall off the wagon; however, switching things up keeps the journey fresh!

Check out this yummy Vegan Breakfast recipe for Apple Buckwheat Pancakes with Coconut Caramel Apples. Thanks to Nicholas Elliot for providing this awesomeness! It tastes so yummy and it was super easy to make.



How Filling Is the Food You’re Eating?

A Dance Party in Your Stomach

Ever find yourself frustrated in feeling full and killing cravings? Wonder how filling is the food you’re eating? Let’s back track real quick … Why do we eat? We eat to live, right? Right! Now I think it’s fair to say (on behalf of the human experience) we also eat to have a dance party in our stomach. Can I get a hell freakin’ yeah on that? So how do we solve this eat for a dance party while feeling satisfied to the max problem? What is the secret to filling ourselves like a bucket of water all while hosting a dance party in our stomachs (haha)?

Healthy Breakfast Smoothies

Food in AM

Not sure about you, but I’m the type of person who NEEDS something to eat first thing in the morning. Ever heard of hangry (a.k.a when someone gets angry because they’re super hungry)? Yep, it’s a real thing. Just ask my relatives. It isn’t pretty. With that said, I don’t like spending tons of time prepping things for their sake or mine. I likes recipes that are easy to make first thing in the morning to get my metabolism going. Healthy breakfast smoothies are perfect for this!

The following healthy breakfast smoothies do the trick. They don’t take much time to make and are healthy. Thank to Jeaninne Donofrio @LoveandLemons for providing these. Prep fruits and veggies ahead of time to make blending these healthy breakfast smoothies a breeze on busy mornings. Below are the ingredients and instructions for how to make five different smoothies. Give them a try and let us know which one is your favorite!

  • Strawberry Goji
  • Peach
  • Mango Maca
  • Spinach & Mango
  • Cherry Blueberry Cacao 

SWAP Challenge

Is Your Tank Running on E?

Is your motivation tank running on E, right now? Can’t find direction or a little lost on what to do next. Right now you just need some small wins to get back into momentum and feeling great and positive about yourself and your capabilities. One of the best way to do that is to SWAP. SWAPPING is an easy way to get wins. Why? Because you’re simply two things. First, you’re making a decision to switch something that is already happening. Second, you’re replacing it with something that is going to serve versus hurt you. Commit to this 4-week SWAP challenge to get back on your feet and winning again. 


SWAP Challenge Basics 

Wondering what you’re signing on to do? Let’s go over the basics. I promise it’s not nearly as daunting as it might sound. For the next four weeks, you’ll be swapping the following: 

  • Consume less fried food and more whole foods
  • Eat fewer treats and more fruits
  • Cut back on fizzy drinks and drink more water 
  • Have less fast food and more home cooking 
  • Pick less white bread and more whole grains


The Reasons Why