Tag: calories

Fix How You Fuel Your Body

Breakfast, The Most Important Meal of the Day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? It lights our inner fire and gets us ready to tackle the day ahead. How many of us are currently on a weight-loss journey and the breakfast shown on the right in this picture is our regular? ⁠If it is, STOP.⁠ Fix how you fuel your body.

Special K & Other Like Items⠀

Eating cereals like Special K and being even HUNGRIER only a few hours later is super common. What happens is when you are eating for fat loss, your body has to be put in a caloric deficit BUT, not all calories are created equal. One bowl of special K cereal and milk usually has somewhere between 300-400 calories. ⁠The problem is Special K Cereal is mostly CARBS with little protein and fat and the sugar rush from the cereal will give you with a blood sugar spike.

Proper Fueling