Tag: exercise

Good Shoes

An Incentive To Workout

Having a hard time getting motivated to workout? Then, treat yourself to new gym gear to get you going! I don’t know about you, but donning a new pair of leggings, top, or workout shoes always seems to give me a boost of self-esteem and get my pumped to go get my sweat on. Of all my workout gear, I make sure to keep my gym shoes up to date. Having good quality shoes is super important. Even if you don’t need an extra boost to motivate you to workout, check your shoes. Make sure you have good shoes. 

Proper Footwear

Over the years, I’ve had multiple clients approach me talking about how their back consistently hurts them. One of the first things I always do is ask them how old their gym shoes are. After a funny look, most people give me their response and it’s usually 1+ years or older. No wonder their backs hurt all the time. They haven’t been taking care of their feet. After they go out and get a new pair of shoes, 95% of the time, the back pain subsides. 

Proper footwear is not just important for your health. It is essential! Our nerve endings are in our hands and our feet. If your shoes are 1+ years old, chances are they don’t have the necessary support. This in turn can cause back pain and other discomfort. Prevent bunions, hammertoes, corns, ingrown toenails and other unpleasant foot ailments by making sure you have good shoes. Having proper footwear not only aids in preventing the nasty ailments listed above, but it also reduces the changes of falling. 

Stop The Insanity Please

There’s a great quote from Albert Einstein that says, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.” Such an easy concept to gasp, but such a hard habit to break. Folks, it’s time to stop the insanity, PLEASE!


Creatures of Habit

How many times have you complained about your current status in life regarding your health, finances, etc? Now that you reflect upon it, you’re realizing that it’s probably a lot, right? We sit and moan about not being where we want to be, but don’t take action to change that. Why? It’s simple, people do not like change. We are creatures of habit. Change is uncomfortable and can be downright scary. It requires us to step outside of our comfort zone. When you step outside that zone, you stop the insanity. It start with you stop making excuses.


Why The Cycle Continues

Maybe you’re sitting there thinking about times you’ve tried to stop the insanity and stepped outside your comfort zone only to fail and retreat back to your old ways. It’s a safe bet to say most people have been there and done that. This happens a lot with diet and exercise for people, especially with New Year’s Eve resolutions. There are a few reasons why so many fail. Firstly, people set unrealistic goals instead of S.M.A.R.T goals. Secondly, people fall of the wagon when they don’t see results as quickly as they want. Another major reason, they make too big of changes to their lifestyle and it becomes overwhelming. All of these attempts have the same goal in mind: stop the insanity to get different results. 

Stronger Than Your Excuses

Especially around the holidays, you’ll see pictures on social media of people look in a state of utopic happiness donned in matching outfits with their pets, kids, and/or significant others. If you’re one of those, won’t lie, I’m a little envious. I don’t have it together enough or maybe I just don’t have the energy anymore to make that amount of effort.

To be honest, I know I’m not alone. it’s very rare that people have it all together. As I admitted above, I do NOT have it altogether. Instead of the “pretty version,” where everything looks perfectly in place, I’m going to share the REAL version with you of what it’s like to work full time, be a parent, and live a healthy lifestyle during a pandemic. It starts with being stronger than your excuses.

Before Baby & Afterwards

I love my 20 month old little girl and can’t imagine life without her. If you have kids, you already know and understand the challenges a toddler brings. For those who don’t have kids, let me tell you… toddlers are CONSTANTLY on the go and getting into absolutely EVERYTHING imaginable. They are moody, demanding, and get frustrated often times due to their inability to communicate their needs and wants verbally.

Life before baby was pretty good overall. I had a routine and it worked well for me. I felt fairly well-balanced and in a good place. However, when baby girl arrived, finding the balance between work and home life became challenging. It was a struggle before the pandemic and even more so since. I’ll be honest, it is HARD and it is not picture perfect.

Which Excuse to Use?

I could go on and make excuse after excuse as to why I don’t have time to do the things I want to:

  • I don’t have childcare available.
  • I have too much work to do.
  • I’m too tired and just want to rest.
  • It’s too cold to go for a run.
  • I have to clean the house.
  • I need to meal prep instead.

The list goes on and on as to why I could put off my goals and the things I need to do to reach them. However, I choose to not to cave in to those excuses and you should do likewise. Be stronger than your excuses if you really want to reach your goals. It’s not easy, it’s definitely time consuming and a challenge. Guess what… the best things in life usually happen that way. Life is all about finding the balance in your juggling act even if it’s not exactly perfect.

A Juggling Act

Both my hubby and I work from home majority of the time. That means we have to juggle working full time and parent duty. This morning was pretty standard for us and probably is for so many others right now who are working from home and have kids.

The hubby had a call so I was on mom-duty. I wanted to get a workout in, but needed time not just to get my sweat on as well as to shower before my 10:00am Zoom meeting. That meant bringing little lady into the garage with me while I worked out. On days where I have to do this, mini-me gets into things, makes a huge mess, erases the whiteboard with my workout on it, takes off her shoes repeatedly, and gets in the way.

Just Do It

Although not ideal, I still do it. I work out and in the process model for my daughter the importance of prioritizing health and fitness. You’d be surprised how often she imitates some of the movements, like planks, ropes & squat presses. As a former teacher, I know from experience that modeling and repetition are key in learning. I want my daughter to learn and understand that eating right and working out at necessary things to do in order to live a healthy lifestyle and be able to do everything she wants to do in life no matter what.

I could make excuses not to workout due to my crazy work schedule and the lack of childcare available, but I choose not to. I choose to MAKE THE TIME and MAKE IT HAPPEN because my health is a priority to me. Is yours? Are you stronger than your excuses? Are you dedicated to doing whatever it takes to reach your goals, even if the circumstances aren’t ideal?

If haven’t been putting your health and wellness at the forefront, then it’s time to do so now. Be stronger than your excuses! Make your health a priority.

Not At That Point Yet?

If you’re struggling with doing it by yourself, then get some help. Reach out. There is no shame in doing so. If you don’t step up and say something, then you’ll continue to silently struggle which will ultimately impact your social, emotional, psychological, and mental health. Know that I am here for you and that I am happy to help (as are the rest of the rockstars on the Transform team). I’d love the opportunity to help you reach your goals. Here is a small snapshot of some of the parents and individuals without kids who we’ve helped since Transform opened in 2010: https://transformpersonaltraining.com/meet-the-team/

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and our website for fit tips, recipes, and more!

Tips to Achieving Goals

Have made New Years resolutions or set goals and failed in the past? Feel lost and need tips to achieving goals?
If you’ve failed to reach your resolutions and feel frustrated or lost, don’t worry. You’re not alone. According to Forbes, many people drop their NYE resolutions as soon as February. What about you this year so far? Are you achieving your goals? If not, there may be several reasons why you aren’t. Whether your goals is to lose weight, quit smoking, work out, save money, get a promotion, get a raise, or something else, let us go over with you a couple different tips to achieving goals that will help you.

Hit Your Health Goals During COVID-19

Common NYE Resolutions

Let’s be honest, the majority of NYE resolutions revolve around health and fitness. Whether you want to lose weight, fit better into your clothes, gain more confidence, tone up, etc, you have to develop a plan of attack to accomplish those goals, but how do you hit your health goals during COVID-19?


With so many uncomfortable going back to big box gyms (such as LA Fitness, XSport, etc) right now because of the pandemic, you might feel that hitting your health goals during COVID-19 isn’t possible or at least you are unsure how to attain their fitness goals this upcoming year. You could build a gym at home or in your garage as some people have done. But, what if you don’t have the space or funds to do so?