Tag: goals

A Truth Bomb

Here’s a truth bomb (and trust me, I’m saying this out of love)… YOU are the reason for why you haven’t reached your goals. Was that hard to digest? Let me explain…



I used to feel super uncomfortable in my clothes; the mushroom top program was REAL. Ugh! After having baby number two, I felt like I’d gotten to the point of no return and I thought I would be stuck with my post-pregnancy body. I wanted to change, but I just kept making excuses. Day after day, week after week, month after month. There I was. Every time I looked at my clothes, I saw imaginary labels on them. They said “when I lose the weight”…  Yet, time went by and nothing changed. I kept loathing in my self pity.

Don’t Have Control


Sound Familiar?

Constantly second-guessing. Indecision. Changing course. Flip-flopping. Putting things off. Wanting something but acting in ways that make it impossible to have. Scrolling through emotions. Believing and not believing at the same time. You don’t feel in control of your life and wondering why. 



Not trusting yourself is the hallmark of low self-esteem, thinking small, overindulging and why those challenged by it don’t feel in control of their lives. Trustworthiness is an abiding character state. A trustworthy person is someone who is reliable, consistent, and truthful in their actions across the board. It isn’t that they are perfect. Rather, their actions spring from and reinforce their moral values and commitments. 

Bury the Old

Burial Exercise

Today we’re going to do something. We are going to bury the old and create something new. Isn’t it about time that you stop tricking your mind into believing you’re someone that you’re not? We’ve all created stories about ourselves at some point or another. From this point moving forward, you will no longer live the lies that you and others have convinced you of. I proclaim that part of your life over. It’s time to BURY the old identity that’s held you back for years. Something important to remember: the more you give in this exercise, the more you get so go all in!

Do the Work

“Stop leaving and you will arrive. Stop searching and you will see. Stop running away and you will be found.”—Lao Tzu 


It’s sad knowing that some of you won’t ever commit to yourself and your health fully. You won’t do the work. How do I know this? Because I did the same and I rationalized in my mind why it was okay not to do the work. What was really happening? I was scared; scared of what might be revealed about my life, the people in my life, me. Eventually, I couldn’t lie to myself anymore and I ran out of reasons to run. The same books, courses, coaches I avoided, I eventually dove into 120%. They ended up being the resources that changed my life. Finally, I committed to it and overcame my mind as well as my excuses. I did and do the work.

Draw a Line in the Sand

Breaking Shackles

My job as a coach is to interrupt what you’ve done up until this point. I think we can both agree, what got you here won’t get you any further. It’s my job to help break shackles. Sometimes that requires tough love. Things I say will be tough to read, even harsh at times. Exercises I give you will be difficult to do and feel painful. Good. That means I’m doing my job and you’re doing exactly what you need to be doing at the moment. Do not, however, under any circumstance, run away from the challenge. Instead, run toward it. Right here right now we’re going to go over the key decision you must make. It’s time to draw a line in the sand.