Tag: self improvement

2021 Lessons

Reflection and Lessons

It’s that time of year when I like to go back and reflect about all that has happened. That way I can plan and prep for the upcoming new year as well as create my top 3 goals. Reflection is a great tool not just professionally, but also personally. I look at what went well, what needs improvement, and then I develop a plan of attack to do better the upcoming year. In addition, I think about the lessons I’ve learned. There were two big lessons that really stuck with me. One of the most precious 2021 lessons is to BE MYSELF!

Self Talk

Recently I caught myself looking in the mirror telling myself… That shirt used to fit so much better,
Gosh, my midsection isn’t as tight as it used to be” (as expected seeing that I’m currently 9 months pregnant), “Where the heck did all of these gray hairs come from!?” Yep, I’m not perfect and what you see is what you get. ANDDD I too struggle. Probably because I’m human… JUST LIKE YOU.
What’s really empowered me (and this has been a huge lesson for me) is that I’m okay. Nothing earth shattering, right? But it’s true. I’m okay even through the storms; and that I’m not defeated, I can work through challenges, and I can love myself through them. Because after all, there is only one me! That’s exactly what I see our Transform Fit Family embracing. Becoming the best version of THEMSELVES. Living their values! Reaching for their goals! Focusing on what is important to them! Not getting side tracked and playing the comparison game!

Your Choice

Besides being myself/yourself, another 2021 lesson is that even though life will throw you curveballs and unexpected challenges, we have the power. We control the steering wheel. And through the challenges we have the CHOICE to stay true to our values. We have the choice to continue to RAISE the bar and GROW! And most importantly we have everything in us to rise to the occasion and become who we’ve always dreamt of being.
These were my 2021 lessons, let’s hear yours. What is one lesson you’ve learned in 2021?

More From Transform

Check out our blog on our website, Transform’s Facebook page, and our Instagram account (@TransformFitCoach) for additional fit tips, recipes and more. Speaking of Facebook, join our FREE Facebook group and your other Fit Family brother/sisters for MORE exclusive content and daily coaching on the regular (search Your Fit and Healthy Life on Facebook or click on this link).


Need Help?

It’s time to put yourself first. If you’re really ready to take things to the next level and crush all of your health goals, go ahead and book your complimentary breakthrough coaching call. That’s where we’ll get crystal clear on your vision, identify challenges, motivate the heck out of you, as well as provide you a roadmap to achieve your goals. Contact us here. Our team of rockstars will help you get on track,  push you past your plateau to get you rolling again, assist you with nutrient timing or assist you whatever else you need to get your habits in alignment with your goals. We’re happy to assist. We want to see you live a happy and healthy lifestyle!

Do the Work

“Stop leaving and you will arrive. Stop searching and you will see. Stop running away and you will be found.”—Lao Tzu 


It’s sad knowing that some of you won’t ever commit to yourself and your health fully. You won’t do the work. How do I know this? Because I did the same and I rationalized in my mind why it was okay not to do the work. What was really happening? I was scared; scared of what might be revealed about my life, the people in my life, me. Eventually, I couldn’t lie to myself anymore and I ran out of reasons to run. The same books, courses, coaches I avoided, I eventually dove into 120%. They ended up being the resources that changed my life. Finally, I committed to it and overcame my mind as well as my excuses. I did and do the work.

Why We Defeat Ourselves

“All forms of self-defeating behavior are unseen and unconscious, which is why their existence is denied.”—Vernon Howard

Self-Defeating Behaviors

Why do we defeat ourselves? Self-defeating behavior occurs when we fail to learn the lessons that life tries to teach us. It represents a victory of impulse over awareness, immediate gratification over lasting satisfaction, and relief over resolution. Most of you don’t know this, but self-defeating behavior is a coping mechanism—a delusional attempt to make ourselves feel better. Think about it, what do we do when faced with crisis, threat or a potentially upsetting situation? We try to protect ourselves! Right? We grasp for things that reduce tension or keep us from getting hurt. 

In regard to self-defeating behaviors, the action itself seems logical and expedient at the time, and it might actually succeed in bringing about short-term relief. But self-defeating behaviors invariably come back to haunt us and then we curse ourselves for being stupid, foolish or weak. Does that ring a bell? Some of you are reading this and saying out loud, “YES! That’s it. How the hell do I stop doing that?”