Tag: healthy eating

It’s Not Your Fault

Follow me @TransformFitCoach for daily nutrition tips, fitness motivation, recipes, and more!

It’s Not Your Fault

Baked potatoes are healthier to eat than potato chips. You might think it is ridiculous that I’m going over this, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t know that. It’s okay if you didn’t know that either; it’s not your fault. After teaching in both public and private schools in Chicago, I can tell you for a fact that education around what to eat and how to move our bodies is lacking.

I most recently taught science to primary students ranging from first through fourth grade. The human body was talked about in the fourth grade curriculum, but more so in the sense of the systems, not so much on how everything works together and what is needed in order to maintain functionality. Other than that, there was ZERO nutrition and health education listed in the curriculum. That’s not just the case in Chicago. Look at the national level of science education across our country… the current Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) don’t even include education about nutrition and fitness. It’s no wonder why the obesity rates are what they are in the United States.

Veggie Love

Lovers and Haters

Some people love them, while some people hate them. What am I talking about? Vegetables. We have both types in our house. I love veggies, but my husband can’t stand them, especially green ones; it’s pretty ironic seeing the industry we’re in. Despite his dislike of veggies, my hubby eats them. Why? It’s simple, we know it’s good for our health. So to help get in his daily dose of veggies, I’ve had to get creative in how I prepare food. Check out our blog and social media

Look, we get it. Eating vegetables isn’t the sexiest thing in the world. It’s more or less a necessary evil to be healthy. It’s ideal to eat them at every meal; yes, that includes breakfast too. Below are some reasons why you should make sure to include veggies in your meals.

SWAP Challenge

Is Your Tank Running on E?

Is your motivation tank running on E, right now? Can’t find direction or a little lost on what to do next. Right now you just need some small wins to get back into momentum and feeling great and positive about yourself and your capabilities. One of the best way to do that is to SWAP. SWAPPING is an easy way to get wins. Why? Because you’re simply two things. First, you’re making a decision to switch something that is already happening. Second, you’re replacing it with something that is going to serve versus hurt you. Commit to this 4-week SWAP challenge to get back on your feet and winning again. 


SWAP Challenge Basics 

Wondering what you’re signing on to do? Let’s go over the basics. I promise it’s not nearly as daunting as it might sound. For the next four weeks, you’ll be swapping the following: 

  • Consume less fried food and more whole foods
  • Eat fewer treats and more fruits
  • Cut back on fizzy drinks and drink more water 
  • Have less fast food and more home cooking 
  • Pick less white bread and more whole grains


The Reasons Why



Just like shopping, you want to get the best bang for your buck when it comes to nutrition. You want to maximize nutrient absorption. Let’s talk about go over how to do this with some vegan friendly tips. Even if you aren’t vegan, these tips can help your body OPTIMIZE its ability to absorb nutrients. 


Pairing certain foods with others helps the food’s nutrients absorb more effectively. This is key since the nutrients in these foods on their own aren’t as readily available. On their own, there aren’t as readily available, but if you pair them with another, they can actually be enhanced. Here we will focus on three key pairings: iron and vitamin C, unsaturated fats and vitamins A, D, E, and K and calcium and vitamin D.

Veggie Frittata Muffins

Stop to Smell the Roses

Our world moves at a much faster pace than it did just a few decades the go. I think many people agree that as a society we needed to slow down a bit. Honestly, I think the pandemic has helped with that. It forced many to slow down and stop to smell the roses. I know it did for me. COVID-19 forced me to re-evaluate my priorities placing family and my health at the top. In the meantime, I found some great recipes that I want to share with you, including one for Veggie Frittata Muffins. 

Since so the convenience of going out to eat was not available, my family cooked more at home. Spending time together as a family prepping meals together was fun and a great way to bond and build memories in the process. I’ll admit, it took up a good amount of time, but it was well worth it seeing that in the process we demonstrated to our daughter how to prepare healthy foods.

Not only did the pandemic make me realize the importance of slowing down, but also the importance of preparing healthy foods, especially since gyms were closed. We had to focus even more so on what we were fueling our bodies with. It’s 75% about what you eat and only 25% the exercise piece. Therefore, even if only focusing on nutrition and only walking, you can still lose weight and/or stay in shape. Below I’ll attach a recipe for Veggie Frittata Muffins that you can prepare. Making sure I load you up with plenty of healthy recipes to keep you on track so you can reach your goals.