Tag: food

Fix How You Fuel Your Body

Breakfast, The Most Important Meal of the Day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? It lights our inner fire and gets us ready to tackle the day ahead. How many of us are currently on a weight-loss journey and the breakfast shown on the right in this picture is our regular? ⁠If it is, STOP.⁠ Fix how you fuel your body.

Special K & Other Like Items⠀

Eating cereals like Special K and being even HUNGRIER only a few hours later is super common. What happens is when you are eating for fat loss, your body has to be put in a caloric deficit BUT, not all calories are created equal. One bowl of special K cereal and milk usually has somewhere between 300-400 calories. ⁠The problem is Special K Cereal is mostly CARBS with little protein and fat and the sugar rush from the cereal will give you with a blood sugar spike.

Proper Fueling

A Healthy Breakfast Casserole


Not only is fueling your body with the right kinds of food important, but so is the timing. Let me briefly go over what I mean then send you off with a healthy breakfast casserole recipe to add to your arsenal. With that said, personally I’m the type of person needs to start my day by eating breakfast right away or else I get “hangry” (if you’re not familiar with that term…. hungry + angry = hangry…. You can ask my family, it’s not pretty when it happens). Then, there are people like my husband who can wait until lunch time to eat. Honestly, it’s a matter of personal preference. Stick with what you do. Creating a healthy, sustainable lifestyle is all about making small adjustments to what you’re already doing.

How to Avoid Food Cravings


Pizza, potato chips, pretzels, cookies, ice cream, candy… the list of foods people crave goes on and on.We hear about pregnant women having crazy cravings at all hours of the night. Personally, I craved ice cream as well as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches throughout my pregnancy (Halo Top’s PB&J ice cream was HEAVENLY). Even after giving birth to my daughter, I still find myself dealing with cravings from time to time. I know I’m not the only one. Cravings happen and not just to pregnant women. Whether it is something sweet or something savory, everyone gets cravings at one point or another. I could ask you what you crave, but I know you’re here seeking advice about your cravings. The real question is how to avoid food cravings?

A Hearty and Healthy Breakfast Burrito

Food as Fuel and Medicine

As I’ve mentioned in my previous posts, fueling your body with the right kind of food makes all the difference. As Jillian Kubala from Healthline outlines, “Research shows that dietary habits influence disease risk. While certain foods may trigger chronic health conditions, others offer strong medicinal and protective qualities… Food does much more than simply provide you with fuel. It may promote or worsen health, depending on what you eat,” (2).  Plenty of other medical, health, and fitness professionals agree. Fueling your body with the right kinds of food can reverse the effects of chronic disease, such a diabetes, hypertension, and even cancer (1). The recipe below for a hearty and healthy breakfast burrito is just one example of how we can use food as medicine to get your to your ultimate goal so you can live a happy, healthy lifestyle.

A Perfectly Refreshing Lunch Salad

A Secret to Success on A Fitness Journey

Listen carefully. I’m going to share with you one of the secrets to success on a fitness journey towards improved health…. It’s VARIETY. Switching up your mix of healthy recipes is super important. Over the years we’ve noticed that the people who tend to fall off the wagon get bored with what they are eating. With that said, today I have a perfectly refreshing lunch salad recipe to add to your healthy meals arsenal. 

This vegetarian meal is easy to make, packs great flavor, and can be served either hot or cold (honestly, I prefer it served cold, but it’s simply a matter of personal preference). This recipe for Pesto Spaghetti Squash Salad went over really well with everyone in my house, including my toddler. Ideal time to have it is lunch for couple different reasons: it’s refreshing and aligns with the way we time our meals and food groups with our clients. Not sure what I meant by that last part? Send me a message. I’m happy to explain further to clear up any confusion. 


Pesto Spaghetti Squash Salad