Tag: vegan

Cinnamon Coffee Smoothie

Check out this yummy Cinnamon Coffee Smoothie recipe. Made with dates and almond butter, this Cinnamon Coffee Smoothie is the perfect healthy breakfast or snack. It’s vegan and gluten-free! Plus, it tastes so yummy! Even better, this smoothie can be made in less than five minutes and only needs a handful of ingredients! Thanks for sharing Jeanine Donofrio over at @LoveandLemons.

Serves: 2


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 Tablespoon almond butter
  • 2-4 tablespoons concentrated cold brew coffee or espresso
  • 4 ice cubes
  • ¾ cup almond milk, more as needed to blend
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 heaping Tablespoon maca powder, optional*
  • 1 Tablespoon. vanilla protein powder, optional*
  • 1 medjool date or sweetener of your choice, optional


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Add more almond milk, as needed.


Let us your thoughts on it and feel free to share this with your friends. Also, did you know that keeping variety in your meals and snacks is important? Besides this healthy smoothie recipe, I have included below a couple other healthy recipes we’ve. They don’t require a ton of time or expertise to prepare. Check back with our blog for more to come so you have a nice stockpile of healthy meal options readily available. That way you can stay on track to reaching your health and fitness goals.

Stay tuned to the blog for additional recipes. Also, check out our Facebook page and Instagram for more tips on eating well, working out, and other healthy lifestyle advice!



If you’re really ready to take things to the next level and crush all of your health goals, book your free breakthrough coaching call; that’s where we’re going to get crystal clear on your vision, identify challenges, motivate the heck out of you, provide you a roadmap to your goals achieved. Simply follow this link to Contact us. Our team of highly experienced coaches will help you get on track. Hit a plateau? Our rockstar staff can help you push through that too. Regardless of where you are on your fitness journey, we want to see you happy and healthy so you can live the best life possible.

Zinc’s Importance

What is Zinc?

Do you consider zinc in your diet? Zinc is an important element which contributes to many functions within the body. It plays a role in immunity, wound healing, and energy metabolism. The environment of your gastrointestinal tract can also influence how much zinc is actually absorbed and utilized in the body.

Zinc’s Importance

Consuming enough zinc on a vegan diet is usually no issue at all if you consume a variety of plant foods and grains. If you aren’t doing that, failing to meet the daily recommended intake can lead to some adverse health effects down the track. A deficiency in zinc could potentially lead to a weakened immune system, slowed wound healing, loss of appetite and even stunted growth. These are all obviously not ideal and can be quite serious!

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Check out this yummy vegan friendly strawberry banana smoothie recipe by Jeanine Donofrio over at @LoveAndLemons for providing. It tastes so yummy! We had these the other day. Nice thing is that we only needed a handful of things needed to prepare it! This refreshing strawberry banana smoothie recipe comes together in seconds in the blender. Perfect for hot summer afternoons or as a healthy breakfast.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

PREP TIME: 5 mins. 


  • 1 1/2 cup raspberries
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1 cup almond milk, or oat milk 
  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup
  • 1 1/2 cups ice
  • Handful of mint or basil, optional

Healthy Homemade Granola

A Tasty Vegan Breakfast Recipe

As promised in previous posts, I will continue to send healthy recipes your direction. Building up a library filled with nutritious options is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. Fueling your body with the right types of food will make you look and feel amazing. Today I’m passing along a healthy homemade granola breakfast recipe. This is another easy recipe to make. Also, it’s a nice way to switch things up in the morning. And even better, it’s vegan!

  • PREP TIME: 10 minutes
  • COOK TIME: 30 minutes

Overnight Oat Parfaits

I Don’t Have Time to Make Breakfast…

It’s a very common phrase we hear people say over and over again. Let’s be honest though, we all have time. We all get the same 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week. “Having time” just depends on your priorities.
I have an 18 month old toddler who is always on the go so I can tell you from experience that it seems like there is never enough time. She keeps me quite busy (and active for that matter). With that being said, I find it important to prepare healthy and tasty meals for my entire family. I constantly search for easy, quick recipes. Let me share with you one of the biggest time savers I’ve discovered… 

Problem Solved: Overnight Oat Parfaits