Category: Health Blog

SWAP Challenge

Is Your Tank Running on E?

Is your motivation tank running on E, right now? Can’t find direction or a little lost on what to do next. Right now you just need some small wins to get back into momentum and feeling great and positive about yourself and your capabilities. One of the best way to do that is to SWAP. SWAPPING is an easy way to get wins. Why? Because you’re simply two things. First, you’re making a decision to switch something that is already happening. Second, you’re replacing it with something that is going to serve versus hurt you. Commit to this 4-week SWAP challenge to get back on your feet and winning again. 


SWAP Challenge Basics 

Wondering what you’re signing on to do? Let’s go over the basics. I promise it’s not nearly as daunting as it might sound. For the next four weeks, you’ll be swapping the following: 

  • Consume less fried food and more whole foods
  • Eat fewer treats and more fruits
  • Cut back on fizzy drinks and drink more water 
  • Have less fast food and more home cooking 
  • Pick less white bread and more whole grains


The Reasons Why

Change Your Identity

“Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it.” —Elastigirl, The Incredibles



Ever ask yourself that question before?  Perhaps you’ve thought to yourself how nice it would be to be somebody else from time to time? Our identity is the image that we have of ourselves. This image is particularly influenced by parents, peers, and other role models.

Identity is generally thought of as our individual perceptions of our behavior, abilities, and unique characteristics. It is a mental picture of who you are as a person. For example, beliefs such as, “I am a good friend,” or, “I am the type of person who gets things done,” are part of an identity. Those of you that are struggling with self doubt, negative body image, and making your healthy a priority have identity reshaping work to do. It’s time to change your identity.


Do you consider macronutrients (a.k.a. macros) distribution in all of your meals? The good news is it’s incredibly easy to follow macro splits or simply make sure you are eating the right amount of each on a plant based diet. Macros are an energy source that provide valuable nutrients to support everyday bodily functions. Protein and carbohydrates both provide 4 calories per gram, while fat is a denser energy source; fat provides  9 calories per gram.

Cinnamon Coffee Smoothie

Check out this yummy Cinnamon Coffee Smoothie recipe. Made with dates and almond butter, this Cinnamon Coffee Smoothie is the perfect healthy breakfast or snack. It’s vegan and gluten-free! Plus, it tastes so yummy! Even better, this smoothie can be made in less than five minutes and only needs a handful of ingredients! Thanks for sharing Jeanine Donofrio over at @LoveandLemons.

Serves: 2


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 Tablespoon almond butter
  • 2-4 tablespoons concentrated cold brew coffee or espresso
  • 4 ice cubes
  • ¾ cup almond milk, more as needed to blend
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 heaping Tablespoon maca powder, optional*
  • 1 Tablespoon. vanilla protein powder, optional*
  • 1 medjool date or sweetener of your choice, optional


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Add more almond milk, as needed.


Let us your thoughts on it and feel free to share this with your friends. Also, did you know that keeping variety in your meals and snacks is important? Besides this healthy smoothie recipe, I have included below a couple other healthy recipes we’ve. They don’t require a ton of time or expertise to prepare. Check back with our blog for more to come so you have a nice stockpile of healthy meal options readily available. That way you can stay on track to reaching your health and fitness goals.

Stay tuned to the blog for additional recipes. Also, check out our Facebook page and Instagram for more tips on eating well, working out, and other healthy lifestyle advice!



If you’re really ready to take things to the next level and crush all of your health goals, book your free breakthrough coaching call; that’s where we’re going to get crystal clear on your vision, identify challenges, motivate the heck out of you, provide you a roadmap to your goals achieved. Simply follow this link to Contact us. Our team of highly experienced coaches will help you get on track. Hit a plateau? Our rockstar staff can help you push through that too. Regardless of where you are on your fitness journey, we want to see you happy and healthy so you can live the best life possible.

Forgiveness is Healthy

“To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.”—Robert Muller

One of THOSE Blog Posts?

This is not one of those religious blogs where we’re going to try to persuade you to following something or someone. However, we’re bringing up forgiveness for a good reason. Forgiveness is for you (and everyone else too). Forgiveness is healthy. Actually, it is beneficial to multiple components of our health: mental, emotional, psychological, social, and physical.


An unforgiving spirit is filled with hurt, anger, bitterness, and resentment. Unless brought under control, these emotions can wreak havoc in our lives. Unforgiveness can trigger bad behaviors and habits like excessive drinking, unhealthy weight gain, bad relationships, shopping addictions, etc. Maybe you can relate to some of those? 

How to Control It

The best way to control and manage such powerfully negative emotions is by understanding and practicing the art of forgiveness. Forgiveness, by definition, is to cease feelings of resentment against (offender). “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies,” said Nelson Mandela. It is an attribute of the strong that lets you regain your personal power, helps you restore yourself to basic goodness and health. Also, it is a way to enhance self-esteem, give hope, and restore faith. Forgiveness is the key to making peace with your past, fully embracing your future and lasting happiness.